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Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! Section A 1a 1b 1cThe First Period .Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Object1) Key Vocabularymanatee,cheetah,chimpanzee,kanagroo,furry,enormous,playful,aggressive,gray,spotted.2) Target LanguageI am like this animal because I am styong and intelligent.I like water ,and I like to eat vegetables.Youre like an elephant. No. Youre like a manatee. Yes.2.Ability Object1) Train Ss listening ability.2) Train Ss communicative competence.3.Moral ObjectLove all kinds of animals because they are our friends.Teaching Key Point: Target language.Teaching Difficult PointsHow to train Sslistening ability.How to train Sscommunicative competence.Teaching Methods.1.Didactic to learn the new vocabulary.2. Listening-and answering activity to help Ss go through with the listening material.3. Groupwork to make every student work in class.Teaching aids.1.A tape recorder2.The blackboard3. A projector Teaching ProceduresStep1 Revision Let the Ss read Grammar Focus in Unit 14. Then read Self Check1.Step 2 1a Teaching new words.Get Ss to repeat the words . Let the Ss look at the signs on each animals picture and read the words to the class. Get Ss to repeat the name of each animal. Make sure Ss can read the words correctly and fluently.Read the directions to the class .Point to the list of words in the box .Ask some Ss to explain any words Ss may not understand. Let Ss write the words in the blanks below some of the pictures. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3 1bGo through the instructions with the class.look back at the list of words in Activity 1a. You will hear Ginny and Victor talk about the animals in the picture in Activity 1a. Play the tape twice .And let the Ss cirle the words they hear on the tape. Then check the answers.Step 4 1c GroupworkGo through the instructions with the whole class.Look at the sample conversation in the box and get three Ss to read it aloud to the class.Tell Ss to think of an animal that is the same as them in some ways. Explain be like and like . Then let Ss do Pairwork.Step 5 SummaryIn this class,weve learned some important words. Weve also learned the target language.Step6 Homework 1.What animals are endangered now? Underline them . manatees, dogs, chicken, bears, pandas, flies(苍蝇), tigers, bedbugs(臭虫), parrots 2. How to save the manatees and other endangered animals? Write some ways.(at least 3)Endangered animalsWays to save themManatees Step 7 Blackboard Design Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! Section A 1a 1b 1cTarget Language: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.I like water ,and I like to eat vegetables.Youre like an elephant. No. Youre like a manatee. Yes.教学反思:
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