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八年级英语(上)期中检测题一、单项选择(25分) ( )1. Would you mind _ down the music? 学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 座号:_ A. not to turnB. not turnC. turning D. to turn( )2. Youd better _ too much meat. You are much too fat.A. not eatB. eatC. not to eat D. dont eat( )3. I broke the window.You _ play football near the window.A shouldB. shouldntC. had better D. must( )4. He spent a week _ the novel.A. to readB. in readingC. on reading D. for reading( )5.Would you please come and _?A. cheer on usB. cheer us onC. cheer for us D. cheer with us( ) 6.Sorry, Doctor Smith isnt here right now.May I _ a message on his desk?A. takeB. sendC. have D. leave( )7. I see him _ basketball almost every day.A. play B. to playC. playing D. plays( )8 .Dont keep the children _ TV all the time. Its bad for their health.A. watching B. watch C. watched D. watches( )9.You visit many places of interest every year. Yes, youre right. I enjoy_. A. go traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling( )10. In the world, Liu Xiang is one of the best _.A. runers B. runners C. runner D. runer( )11._morning exercises is good for our health.A. Do B. Play C. To D. Doing( )12. Miss Lee, I am sorry _ what I did. Its nothing.A. to B. at C. for D. on ( )13.Mrs.Brown is too heavy. She should take more exercise to _.A. make she healthB. make she healthyC. make herself healthyD. make herself health( )14. Hi. May I ask you some questions, Mr. Green? _A. Yes, you may. B. Yeah, go ahead. C. Yes, you cant. D. No, you can( )15. We should take _ active part in the battle to stop the germs. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )16.The twins are learning English_. A. with themselves B. by herself C. by himself D. by themselves( )17. You look pale. Whats wrong with you? I have .A. the coldB. the headache C. the toothache D. the flu( )18. If you have a sore throat, youd better hot tea honey. A. drink; withB. to drink; withC. drink; has D. to drink; has( )19. This kind of diseases spreads easily_ people.A. near B. between C. among D. at( )20. is important us to learn English well. A. This, forB. It, for C. That, toD. We, to( )21.The coat is _ large for you . A. to much B. much too C. too many D. too much( )22.He is so busy with his work. But he often has _ English in his free timeA. a fun teaching him B. fun teaching himselfC. a fun teaching himself D. fun teaching him( )23.When shall we go to see Uncle Wang? Lets _ tomorrow morning.A. get it B. make it C. take it D. want it ( )24.When did the story _? During the World War.A. happened B. took place C. takes place D. happen( ) 25. I cant sleep and cough day and night. _ .A. Not so badB. Dont worry C. Im sorry D. Im sorry to hear that二、完形填空(10分) Everyone in our school loves sports.Every morning 11 we got up,we do morning exercises.After the second class we do exercises again.We only have 12 classes twice a week,but we do physical training at five every afternoon .The most popular sport is basketball.The _13_ enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it,too. _14_ popular sport is football and in every class there _15_ a lot of football fans.Football is often played when the weather is _16_ . We have school teams in basketball,football and volleyball.Our teams often _17_ friendship matches with teams from other schools.When there is a match, _18_ of us go to watch it and cheer our side_19_ .Besides ball games,some of us like track and field events(田径项目), _20_ we often practice running ,jumping and throwing.Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sport meeting.Sports help us keep healthy and happy.( ) 1.A.while B.after C.before D.when( ) 2.English B.Chinese C.P.E. D.music( ) 3.A.teacher B.boys C.students D.people( ) 4.A.Some other B.Other C.Another D.The other( ) 5.A.are B.is C.were D.was( ) 6.A.shining B.raining C.fine D.wet( ) 7.A.see B.have C.look at D.watch( ) 8.A.several B.few C.a fe
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