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商贸口语:外汇兑换业务2014-01-17 09:12 来源:原版英语网1.惯用口语句子:What kind of currency would you like?= What kind of currency would you like to change into/for?= What kind of currency do you want to exchange for?您要兑换成哪种货币?What kind of currency do you have?您有哪种货币?currency n. 货币,通货exchange v. & n. 兑换(change也有此意)How much do you want to exchange?= How much are you going to exchange?= How much would you like to change?您想兑换多少钱?Please fill in the exchange memo in duplicate.请填写外汇兑换单,一式两份。duplicate n. 复制品,副本,一式两份exchange memo“外汇兑换单”Todays rate is 7.2 yuan to 1 US dollar.今天的汇率是1美元兑人民币7.2元。Todays exchange rate is 13.9 yuan to one pound.令天的汇率是1英镑兑13.9元人民币。According to todays exchange rate, it is 6.9 yuan to the US dollar.按照今天的汇率,1美元兑换6.9元人民币。rate在这里指“exchange rate”,意思是“汇率”。You have to pay a 5% commission on this money exchange.兑换这笔外币,您需要支付5%的手续费。The service charge is one percent of the total amount.服务费是总金额的1%?Todays rate is the same as yesterdays.今天的汇率和昨天的一样。Todays rate is a bit lower than that of yesterday.今天的汇率比昨天稍微低一点儿。The exchange rate fluctuates every day.汇率每天都在上下浮动。fluctuate v. 变动,波动,上下浮动Here is the currency exchange receipt. Be sure to keep it.这是货币兑换收据。请妥善保管。I Here are the exchange memos.这是兑换单。receipt n. 收据2.实用对话Money Exchange Service兑换货币服务Customer: Hello. Do you exchange money here?顾客:您好。你们这里兑换外币吗?Clerk: Yes. What kind of foreign currency do you have? And how much do you want to exchange?职员:是的。您有哪种外币?要兑换多少?Customer: I want to exchange US$500.顾客:我想换500美元。Clerk: First of all, please fill out this exchange memo in duplicate. Then show me your passport.职员:首先,请填写这张兑换单,一式两份。然后,请出示您的护照。(after a while )(过了一会儿)Customer: Here is the memo filled out and the money.顾客:这是填好的兑换单和钱。Clerk: A1l right. Please wait. This will only take a moment. What denominations would you like your money to come in?职员:好的。请稍等。一会儿就好。您想要什么面额的?Customer: Any kind will do.顾客:哪种面额的都行。Clerk: OK. Here is your money. Thats 3,850 yuan in total. Please check the amount, and your passport and receipt.职员:好的,这是您的钱,总共是3850元。请数一下,还有您的护照和收据。Customer: Everything looks right. Thanks for your help. Goodbye!顾客:没错。谢谢你的帮助。再见!Clerk: Goodbye!职员:再见!3.详细解说1.“foreign currency”的意思是“外币”。2.在“Here is the memo filled out.”一句中,“filled out”是过去分词作后置定语修饰“memo”,意为“填好的”。3.“Any kind will do.”的意思是“哪种都可以。”“do”在这里表示“能接受,可以用,适用”。另外,“It wont do.”表示“(这)不行,不可以,(这)不被接受”,例如:This is the third time youve been late for work this week; it simply wont do.(这是你本周第三次上班迟到了,这绝对不行啊。)4.“in total”的意思是“总共”,例如:That will cost you US$7.5 in total.(这总共要花费你7.5美元。)
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