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清新县何黄玉湘中学Unit6Topic 2 Section A学案 主备人: 陈香远 审核:七年级备课组 时间:【学习目标】1. 学习有关房屋类型的词2. 看懂并会写房屋租赁广告3. 继续学习there be句型和方位介词4. 谈论小区设施及居住环境5学习表达抱怨的方式,谈论怎样和邻居和谐相处【学习重点】there be句型和方位介词【学习难点】用英语谈论小区设施及居住环境【自主预习】根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1.The Greens live in a small farmhouse in the c_.2.What is your a_ building like?3.Mr. Zhang is cooking for a house with f_.4.Is there a beautiful g_ near your home? Yes, there is.5.How much is the d_ room? 300 yuan per month.【随堂精练】1. Whats your father like? _ A .He likes playing football. B. He is tall and fat . C. He is doctor. D .He is a teacher.2. where does Miss Zhang live? She lives in a _ house. A .three bedrooms B .three-bedrooms C. three-bedroom D .three bedroom3.I dont know the girl _big eyes.A. there are B. has C. have D. with4.The room is _ and _ 100 yuan per month.A. quietly ; over B. quiet ; underC. quietly ; under D. quiet ; below5.Id like to rent a single room (单人房) for 50 per month . Please call me _ 62382032.A. in B. at C. for D. on【课后作业】根据汉语提示完成句子。1.There are so many beautiful_(城市住宅).2.Its usually _(安静的) in the park.3.Mr.Zhang works 12 hours _ (每) day.4.Zhang Yu is _ _(寻找) his new ruler.5.February is the second_(月) of a year.【中考链接】1.There _ a book and two pens on the desk.A . are B . is C .has D. have清新县何黄玉湘中学Unit 6 Topic2 Section B学案 【自主预习】根据汉语提示真空1.You live next to us .So you are our n_.2.Kate is looking for a b_. She wants to put her money in it .3.- Im afraid you are too loud.-oh, sorry . Ill try to play the computer game q_.4.On Sunday, many people like to have meals in the r_.5.-Where can I buy apples drinks and meat? - In a s_.【随堂精练】单项填空1- -Hello ,may I speak to Mary?- Sorry , the _is bad. Could you speak loudly? A. call B .girl C .telephone D. line2.-Where are you going?-Im going to the_ to put some money in.A. bank B. supermarket C. museum D. cinema3.-Did you get my e-mail today?-Oh, theres_ with my computer. It doesnt workA. anything wrong B. wrong anything C. wrong something D .something wrong4.- _ -I cans find my bagA. Whats matter? B .Whats that C. Whats the wrong? D. Whats the matter?5.Whats the matter _the kitchen fan ?A. of B. with C. to D .for【课后作业】根据汉语意思完成句子1离这儿不远有一家银行。There is a bank here.2在街道拐角处有一家饭店。There is a restaurant on the .3. 在我家门前有一家超市。There is a of my house.4. 我的单车环了。My bike .5. 我听不见你的话,线路很差。I cant . The line 【中考链接】1.There is a big tree the house.A. in B. in front of C. at the front of D . in the front of 清新县何黄玉湘中学Unit 6 Topic2 Section C学案 【自主预习】. 根据句意用本话题所学的词或短语填空。1. If you are hungry, you can go to a _. 2. You can keep money in a _. 3. If we want to park our cars, we can go to a _ _. 4. If you want to mail something, you can go to a _ _.5. If he wants to buy something, he can go to a _. . 用适当的介词填空1. I will go shopping _(and/with ) my sister this afternoon. 2. He has a glass of milk and some bread _ ( to /for )breakfast in the morning.3. There is garage ( 车库 )_ ( near/to ) the house.4. I put my sports shoes _ ( under/behind ) the desk.5. _ ( At/In ) the end of the street, you can see the cinema _ (on/in ) the right.【随堂精练】单项填空1. Miss Li always gets me _ others in the class. A. to help B. helping C. helped D. help 2. Where do you _ ? Zhengzhou.A. live in B. to live C. live D. lives 3. _ ? It doesnt work.A. Whats the wrong with our computer? B. Whats wrong to your computerC. Whats wrong with your computer ? D. Whats the wrong to your computer ?4. When someone helps you ,you must say “_”.A. Thats OK. B. It doesnt matter. C. Thanks you. D. Sorry. 5. Hello, 8291432.,Whos that speaking ? _. A. My names Ann. B. Im Ann. C. Thats Ann. D . This is Ann speaking. 【课后作业】用所给词的正确形式填空。1. There _ (be) much furniture in the bedroom. 2. Whats the matter? My watch _ (not) work. 3. Our school usually _ (end) at 12:00 a.m.4. I hear Mary _ (play ) the piano beautifully now. 5. He comes in the classroom _ ( qu
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