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Unit5 Animals in danger Teaching aims:1.能运用It is.It has got.It lives/eatsIts fur is.等句型描述动物的信息.2.能运用句型Has it got.?Does it live/eat.?Is it.?进行猜测动物的游戏.3.能听懂、读懂有关动物信息的短文,完成练习。Key points and difficult points:1.能正确运用It has got.It lives/eats.等句型来描述动物的特征.2.能理解并运用Its smaller than.句型.3.能运用一般疑问句提问和回答.Teaching procedures:Step1.Warming up1.Greetings2.Listen and sing a song Step2. Presentation1. Teacher shows some pictures of animals on the screen.2.Guess what animals they are according to describing the animals.Sentences:It has got four legs. It lives in Africa and Asia.It eats grass. It lives on a farm.It gives us milk. It eats others animals.Its fur is white. It lives in the Arctic.People ride it. Its smaller than a tiger/sheep. Foxes like to eat it.2.Teacher reads the sentences above and ask students to repeat sentence by sentence.3.close the books.Students listen to the tape carefully and guess what animal it is.4.Open the books and turn to page 38 .Students listen to the tape and repeat.5.Ask students to complete the task individually then check the answers.Read and matchThe lion has got a long nose.The cow lives in the Arctic.The elephant is smaller than a tiger. People ride is smaller than a sheep.The rabbit gives us milk.The polar bear the horse6. Ask students to read through the sentences so that they can know how to describe the animals.7. Invite some pairs to describe the animals in the picture.8. Talk about the pictures by using General QuestionsStep3 GamePlay the guessing game by using the sentences.Has it got four legs?Does it eat other animals?Does it live on a farm?Is it smaller than a?Is it a .?Step4.Homework:Ask the students to write a short passage:My favourite animal Blackboard DesignWords:danger 危险fur 毛皮Arctic 北极Sentences:Has it got four legs?Does it eat other animals?Does it live on a farm?Is it smaller than a? Is it a .?
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