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www.yingyu.com.cn 版权所有英语教育网英语时态语态虚语综合练习A. 1. Unless he _ to help us, we shall lose the game.A. promises B. will promise C. would promise D. had promisedA. 2.Would you please give him this message the moment he _.A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. will be arrivingC 3.If a man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.A. will B. is going to C. is to D. shouldA 4.Im sure he will help her if she _ him.A. asks B. asked C. would ask D. had askedD 5.However hard you _, you will never succeed in pleasing her.A. should try B. will try C. would try D. has skedC 6.As soon as _ my homework, Ill have a hot bath.A. I have finished to do B. I finish to do C. I have finished doing D. I had finishedC 7.It will not be long before that young journalist _ me again.A. will meet B. met C. meets D. would meetD 8.Im sure hell come to see me before he _ BeijingA. leave B. left C. will leave D. leavesC 9.We will not come to any decision until we _ a chance to discuss the problem thoroughly.A. are having B. had C. have D. will haveB 10.Jack decided _ to his girl friend until he had got a job.A. that he would arrive B. not to write C. that he had written D. to writeD 11.It _ nearly two weeks _ I had received his letter.A. isthat B. wasthat C. issince D. wassinceA 12.It is five years since my dear aunt _ here.A. left B. has left C. is left D. had leftB 13.If it _ rain tomorrow, we will hold the sports meet.A. wont B. doesnt C. will D. wouldntB 14.There was complete silence when he _ the radio.A. has turned off B. turned off C. have turned off D. turns offA 15.I dont know when he _ , but when he _ Ill speak to him.A. will comecomes B. comescomes C. comeswill come D. will comewill comeD 16.When_ again ? Ill let you know as soon as he _.A. he returnsreturns B. will he returnwill returnC. he returnswill return D. will he returnreturnsD 17.When I see Jane in the street, she always _ at me.A. smiles B. has smiled C. was smiling D. smilesB 18.Who _ to school earliest in your class every morning ?A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are comingA 19.Sound travels in the same way as light _.A. does B. do C. travel D. traveledB 20.It wont be long before such a thing _ again.A. will happen B. happens C. is happened D. happenedC 21.If it _ rain tomorrow, well go to the museum.A. wont B. isnt going to C. doesnt D. wouldntA 22. She _ poor in French, but she _ her best to improve it.A. isis doing B. isdoes C. wasdid D. wasdoesC 23.Wherever I _ these days, I always carry my umbrella.A. am going B. shall go C. go D. should goD 24.When the accident _, I _ quite near.A. happenstand B. happenam standing C. happenedstand D. happenedwas standingD 25.Im sorry I _ to come her for the meeting.A. have forgot to tell him B. have forgot telling himC. forgot telling him D. forgot to tell himB 26.They should have finished the job before noon, but they _.A. dont B. didnt C. wont D. shouldntA 27.Charles dickens _ a lot of famous novels.A. wrote B. was writing C. has written D., had writtenB 28.I _ to school, only to find that it was a holiday.A. hurry B. hurried C. have hurried D. had hurriedB 29.Upon arriving home the girl discovered that she _ her bag at her friends A. left B. had left C. forgot D. had forgotB 30.Above it _ a famous painting.A. hanged B. hung C. is hung D. hangingA 31.You can go and take a rest, Ill see to it that the job _ finished in time.A. must be B. is C. be D. hasA 32.What _ to the owner when the fire _ ?A. happenedbroke out B. took placewent out C. happened was taking place D. took placewas happeningC 33.The sports ground is wet, for it _ last night.A. must rain B. rained C. must have rained D. was rainingB 34.Im sure I _ her four years ago.A. have seen B. saw C. had seen D. will seeD 35.Until she was married , she _ any new clothes.A. has not had B. doesnt have C. has not D. did not haveC 36.What a nice bike ! Where _ you _ it?A. dobuy B. havebought C. did buy D. will buyA 37.Her sister _ in bed all day because she had a high fever.A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lainA 38._ you _ to the 6:30 news ?A. Have listened B. Didlisten C. Hadlistened D. Would listeningC 39.Oh, its you . Im sorry I _ kn
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