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Chapter 6 Old Hong KongIntroduce myself. Learners analyseThe students I teach is in Grade 5. They have studied English for five years, so most of them have improved their skills of listening comprehension, English speaking, reading and writing.They have learned the simple present tense, present continuous tense, simple past tense and future tense. They are active to speak English. Teaching material analyse1.Theaching items: This lesson is the last lesson of Chapter6. Its a reviewing lesson. Its increases the students synthetic ability of hearing, speaking, reading, writing by reviewing the simple past tense.2. Aims to the teaching:A. Aim to the knowledge:-To review the sentence pattern: There was/ were -To practise how to make a simple questions with the sentence pattern: Was/ Were there any .?-To describe peoples lives with the past tense.B. Aim to the abilities :-To improve students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.-To improve the students communicative ability.C. Aims to the emotion:To train the students to cherish their good lives now, and develop their good character. 3. Difficult and important points:To describe the lives of people in the past time by using their knowledge which they have learnt. Teaching method- the investigative methodAs we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English is to cultivate students basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing and students good sense of the English language. So in this lesson Ill mainly use “Task-based” teaching approach. That is to say, I will let the students learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the students to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation. And in this lesson communication method, scene method and CAI will be needed. Study method-the investigative methodThe students are required to study English independenly, cooperatively and investigatively. Pair work, group work and games are included in each chapter. The students who sit together can make groups. In the groups, they can make a discussion and learn each other. It can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Study becomes more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment. The time table of teaching steps1. Review. It will take me 7 minutes.2. Presentation. It will take me 20 minutes.3. Practice. It will take me 10 minutes.4. Briefly summary and homework. It will take me 3 minutes Teaching stepsBefore classStudents are required to collect some information before this lesson. 1. They need to surf on the internet to find some information about the city of Shenzhen and peoples lives in Shenzhen in 1980s or 1990s.2. They need to ask their parents or their relatives about their lives 20 years ago and make notes.Ill finish this lesson in 5 steps.Step1-ReviewPurpose: To give students a chance to speaking and reading, at the same time to provides situations to review learnt knowledge for the next step. 1. Talk about the weather today and yesterday.2. Read the reading material in this chapter, then ask some pupils to recite this article.3. Aswer questions about the reading material.Step2-Presention The purpose is to let pupils use the simple past tense to talk about past activities and statements. Most students can answer questions correctly, but they dont have many chances to ask questions. This step provide a good chance for them to ask simple questions to obtain “yes/no” responses. 1. Show some pictures of peoples lives in Shenzhen in 1980s or 1990s with PowerPoint. Ask questions about the pictures with the sentence patterns: “Was / Were there any?” “Did people ?” I will ask and answer with students first, then students ask and answer in pairs.2. Ask an able student to come to the front of the class. Let him/her pretend to call a history prefessor. History prefessors answers have been recorded before this class. This student will ask questions about China 100 years ago. The students questions will be given on the notes. After listening to the dialogue, the other students will ask questions about China 100 years ago to the student who pretended to call to the prefessor. Make sure they will use the sentence patterns “Was/Were there any?” “Did people .?”Step 3. Practice Purpose: Students have to finish a task in which they will do a survey about the lives of their group members parents or relatives. In order to finish the task, they must get a lot of information from their parents or their relatives before the class. Still, they will have to practise the sentence patterns in this chapter. At the same time, they will review a lot of words they have learnt.Do a suvey: Divide pupils in groups. Let pupils ask about the lives of their group members parents or relatives 20 years ago with the sentences “Was/Were there any ?” “Did people ?”.
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