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How are you ?教学目标:1、 能学会使用问候语 How are you ?及其中两种应答语(Fine ,thank you / Fine ,thank you ,And you ? Im fine ,too .)。2、 能听懂、会说以下四个学习用品类单词 a pen , a rubber ,a pencil , a ruler.3、 会唱歌曲Hello ! How are you ?教学重点和难点:1能学会使用问候语How are you ?及其中两种应答语:Fine ,thank you / Fine ,thank you ,And you ? Im fine ,too .2听懂、会说四个文具类单词,并能以升调进行问答练习,答语为Yes or No.教学用具:图片,卡片,小黑板, 教学过程:Step1.1. 打招呼: Good morning / afternoon , classes? Nice to see you !2.复习 : Show the picture .Now ,look at this picture ,tell me “whats this ?” “What colour is it?”3.Now ,lets speaking ,Ok ? (“They are all very good!”)Step2. A.Learn : pencils ,pens ,rulers , rubbers .(1) Learn to say :show the pencil.T:Look at this ,whats this? This is a pencil.a. Read after the T.b. What colour is it ? ( e.g a green pencil )c. Contrast : a pencil - pencils .d. Chant (and clap your hands )Pencils ,pencils .Theyre pencils .What colour are they? Oh ,theyre green .(2)Learn “pens ,rulers , rubbers” in the same way .(3)Play a game : Guess : What re in my bag?(猜猜我的口袋里有什么?猜对的奖励一个五角星。)B.Lets talk .(1)Teach and learn : How are you ?/Fine ,thank you .T: (show a toy ) Look ,This is my friend Peter, He wants to be your friend ,Do you like him ?T:(Toy Peter) Hello ,Im Peter, Nice to meet you .SS:Nice to meet you ,too .T:Ok ,Now , please listen carefully,(教师表演对话框一)a.Read after teacher (Twice times )b. Follow me and practise A: Hi, How are you ?B: Fine ,thank you .c. 将全班分成两组,相互问候表演。d. Lets sing together .Hello!How are you !Hello !Hello ! How are you?Hello !Hello ! How are you?Im fine ,thank you.Im fine, thank you.(2)Teach and learn : Fine ,thank you ,And (how are )you ?a.生问师: Hi ,how are you ?T : Fine ,thank you ,And how are you ?S : Im fine ,too .b. Read after the T.( And how are you ?/And you ? Im fine ,too .)c.Ss say and do .d. Lets sing together .Hello!How are you !(3)A, 播放录音(图片1和图片2 ),跟着录音机朗读。B, Read after T C, Lets sing together . Hello!How are you !Hello !Hello ! How are you?Hello !Hello ! How are you?Im fine ,and you.Im fine ,fine too.
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