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感恩节英文贺词 感恩节英文贺词1、Have a FULL Thanksgiving day!感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧!2、For all the days that I have been lonely,在我孤独寂寞之时,3、for all the times that I have felt blue,在我忧伤痛苦之时,4、for all the times I needed a shoulder to lean on.在我需要依靠之时,5、Thanks for being there as a friend so true!感谢有你,我真诚的朋友!6、Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐!7、You are the joy of my life.是你给我带来了欢笑。8、From childhood through adulthood, the sharing continues!从小到大,未曾间断!把我的感谢变阳光,照亮你的天空;把感谢变成雨露,滋润你心中的花朵;把感谢变成语言,亲口说给你听!谢谢你,亲爱的朋友!祝你感恩节快乐!9、Thank you my sunshine, light up your sky; Thank you into the rain, moisten your heart flowers; Thank into language, say it to you! Thank you, my dear friends! I wish you a happy Thanksgiving Day!驾一辆友谊之车,承载着最美丽的心愿向你驶来,造一艘感激之舟,乘风破浪向你驶来。无论你身在何方,请接受我发自内心的感谢,感恩节快乐。10、Driving a car of friendship, is bearing the weight of the wishes of the most beautiful is coming, to build a boat, thanks braving the coming to you. No matter where are you, please accept my heartfelt thanks and happy Thanksgiving.我知道,你爱我如上帝爱着羔羊,慈母爱着婴儿!你这种仁慈而善良的情感,使我感受着万种温馨,万种沉醉。在这个温馨的节日里,我衷心祝你感恩节快乐!11、I know that you love me like a god in love with the lamb, mother love baby! This kind of kindness and kind feelings, you make me feel the ten thousand kinds of warmth, ten thousand kinds of drunk. In this season of warm, I sincerely wish you a happy Thanksgiving Day!问候如诗充满关怀,感激似歌饱含精彩,愿我在这感恩的日子里,送给你最甜蜜的打扰,愿你在这特殊的日子里有份美丽的心情。感恩节快乐!12、Greetings such as poem, full of care, grateful song full of wonderful, I wish in this Thanksgiving Day, give you the sweetest bother, may you have a beautiful in this special day. Happy Thanksgiving!今天是感恩节,向天下所有和我见过面的、聊过天的、吃过饭的、来过电的、同过班的、闯过滩的、收过我短信和发给我短信的帅哥美女们说声:节日快乐!13、Today is Thanksgiving, to all and I have seen the, chatted, eat a meal, to maximum, with a class, through beach, received my message and send me messages handsome boy beauty who say: happy holidays!时光催得人颜老,有个朋友忘不了;遥想当年对我好,铭记在心不能少;感恩节日今来到,我的祝福要送到-感恩时节祝你好,愿你天天少烦恼!14、Time ages gadites yan, a friend never forget; Yao was good to me, remember not less; Thanksgiving Day today, I wish to send to - Thanksgiving wish hello, I wish you a little trouble every day!Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!愿你有个美好的感恩节!15、A card can say more than a thousand words.一张卡片胜过千言万语。16、Happy Thanksgiving day!感恩节快乐,我的朋友!17、Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。18、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。19、I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.但愿你能来过感恩节。20、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。21、Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。22、I wouldnt want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else.我只愿和你共度感恩节。23、Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。24、This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。25、Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。26、Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说:我们爱你们。27、Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.感恩节是一年中最好的节日。28、I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。29、I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.希望你吃过晚饭后有感恩的心情。30、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。31、Have a MID-FULL Thanksgiving!感恩节请勿暴饮暴食!
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