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学校_班级_姓名_学号_得分_密 封 线七年级下学期英语期末复习试题.听力部分(20)A听对话和问题,选择正确答语(听两遍) ( )1. A. 30. B. 22. C. 13. ( )2. A. Cathys B. Cathys brothers. C. Their mothers. ( )3. A. Shes Jill. B. Shes Sally. C. Shes Millie. ( )4. A. We dont know B. Yes, they are. C. No, they arent. ( )5.A. Hes a teacher. B. Hes a doctor. C. Hes a nurse. B听对话,回答问题,听第一段对话,完成6-7题,听第二段对话,完成8-10题(听两遍)。( )6. Who often cleans the car at the weekend ?A. The boy B.Dad C. Mum ( )7.The boy often _at the weekend. A. cooks B. cleans cars C. reads and watches TV第二段对话( )8. Nick wants to _ A.sleep B. play with a dog . C. get up early( )9. What day is it today? A. Sunday B.Monday C.Saturday( )10._usually gets up early and runs in the garden.A. Nick B.Miss Gao C. Nicks motherC. 听短文,选择正确答案(听两遍)( )11. How many people are there in the twins family? A. 3 B.4 C.5( )12. The twins are in _ Secondary School.A. No.3 B.No.2 C. No. 1( )13. Mrs. King is_A. a math teacher B. a Chinese teacher C. an English teacher( )14.Their father is _years old A. 39 B. 29 C. 38( )15.Mr and Mrs. King and their children are _now. A. at school B. at work C .at homeD听一段短文,完成表格。(听两遍)thingswherethe math book16_17_on the deskthe school ID card18_19_on the bookcase20_in the pencilcase. 选择题(10)( )21.What does your brother look like? He is _. A. clever B. lazy C. busy D. tall( )22.We have sweaters _all colors _$5 each. A. at, in B. in, at C. in, for D. at, for( )23. Do you like to watch Hero? Yes, I enjoy _action movies. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching( )24. _mothers are talking about their daughters study now. A. Mary and Lucys B. Marys and Lucys C. Marys and Lucy D. Mary and Lucy( )25.We have great fun _basketball on the playground. A. playing B. plays C. to play D. play ( )26.There _a set of keys and some photos on the table. A. is B. are C. has D. have( )27. Why do Chinese people like red? Because they think it can_ them good luck. 学校_班级_姓名_学号_得分_密 封 线 A.carry B. bring C.make D.take ( )28. _are in the room? A.I, you and he B. You, I and he C.He, you and I D.You, he and I( )29.This kind of MP4 is my favorote, but I cant_it. A.get B. cost C.pay D.afford( )30. Mother was always the first one _ in the morning.A. get up B. to get up C. gets up D. got up . 完形填空(20)A)根据短文内容选择最佳答案(每空1分): Our teacher _(31) some pictures. Every class, she shows those pictures to us. She wants us _(32) something from them. In _(33)of her pictures, we see a boy working. Hes cleaning the room. In _(34) picture, a girl is singing. She is singing an American song. In other pictures, we see others doing different things. One is running, and another is _(35) a cake. And a girl is doing _(36)homework. We look at our teacher and her pictures. We talk _(37)English and our teacher listens _(38) us. We learn English from our teacher and her pictures. Our teacher likes _(39). We like her _(40), too. ( ) 31. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 32. A.learn B. learns C. learning D. to learn( ) 33. A.a B. one C. an D. the( ) 34. A.others B. the other C. another D. the others( ) 35. A.make B. making C. do D. doing( ) 36. A. my B. your C. her D. his( ) 37. A. in B. with C. at D. for( ) 38. A.to B. at C. in D. for( ) 39. A.we B. us C. I D. me( ) 40. A. name B.class C.school D. classroomB)根据短文内容完成下列短文示每空一词,(每空1分): China is a great c_41_. It has a long history and the most beautiful l_42_ in the w_43_ . Whats it? Of course, its Chinese. If you dont l_44_ in China, you cant learn Chinese w_45_ . But if you have a pen p_46_ in
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