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四下 Unit8 How are you? 昆山柏庐实验小学 皇甫晓虹一、教学内容:译林版小学英语四下Unit8 How are you?Story time二、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇hear take care may 2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇fever tomorrow 3.能听懂、会说、会读问候语How are you?Im fine, thank you.电话用语与Hello,this is . speaking.May I speak to .?句型:Im sorry to hear that.See you tomorrow. 4、能初步学会用电话进行相互问候三、 教学重难点: 1、掌握问候语,电话用语 2、注意speak的发音 四、教学过程:Step1.Warming up1、 Free talk How are you? Are you fine2、 Enjoy an English song: How are you?(设计意图:渗透How are you?)Step2.Presentation1. Teach: How are you? 设计了三首小诗,Hello, hello, Miss Li. Open your eyes and see Were swimming in the seaAre you free? Miss Li.Read this book for meEveryday under the tree.Youre kind. Miss Li.On Sunday lets have teaUnder the tree at three.通过每首小诗的第一个字母,引出课题How are you?(设计意图:欢快的节奏,活跃课堂气氛)T: Today well learn Unit 8 How are you?(结题)2. Free talk:T: How are you?S1: Im fine, thank you.(选2-3对)T: How are you today?(问全体学生)Ss: Im fine, thank you.T: Oh, were all fine. How about our friends? 呈现本书教材中几个重要人物图像,theyre fine.T:But some friends they are not fine. Whats the matter? 呈现几个生病孩子的图像,依次教授单词 词组,have a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache.(设计意图,教授了疾病类单词,为课文的学习进行铺垫)3、 How about Yang Ling? S:Shes ill.T:Yes. She uses a telephone.There are some sentences for the call.课件出示教:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.出示tipsT:How to say this word“eat”引导学生说“speak”“speaking”(设计意图:从已学单词的发音,帮助学习新单词)教:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.(快慢操练)教:May I speak to .i?T:How to say this word “day”?引导学生说“may”教:May I speak to ? (男女生练)T:Lets read after it.Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.May I speak to ?Hello,this is Miss Li speaking.Hello,Miss Li.This is Yang Ling . 4、 T:They have two calls. Lets seeP1 the first call.Listen and answer. Whats the matter with Yang Ling ?Whats the matter?(教)match winter导matter(课件出示选择)S:选C .She has a cold and a fever .“cold” we have learnt,冷的,but here it means 感冒。教:feverT:Lets read after it?两幅图的4句电话用语。生生操练T:引导学生自读课文,寻找当Miss Li听到杨玲生病所说的话,When Miss Li hears Yang Ling is ill,she says“Im sorry to hear that.”(教)T:How to say this word“ear”“hear”?引出here(设计意图:由已学的同音词引出新单词。)T:Lets read after it?(从Hello,Miss Li.到Thank you,Miss Li.)生生操练情感教育(设计意图:教育学生帮助他人,关爱他人)5、T:Miss Li cares Yang Ling ,so the second call:Miss Li greets Yang Ling on the phone.Open your books,turn to page51.Read and answer:How is Yang Ling now?S:Fine.T:How do you know that?S:How are you now? Im fine.T:Can Yang Ling come to school tomorrow(教明天)?S:Yes.T:How do you know that?S:Can you come to school tomorrow?Yes.T:Lets read after it?(从How are you now?到See you!)生生操练(设计意图:文本局部朗读,帮助学生理解)T:Yang Ling is fine.Are you happy?S:Yes.Step3 Consolidation1、T:Lets do happy reading.1)Read after it 2)Read together 3)Read in roles 4) Lets dub(设计意图:让学生通过对文本的多次朗读模仿,掌握新知识)2、T:We know Yang Ling is fine.Lets invite her to play on the phone?Ok? S:Ok.(设计意图:杨玲生病好了,请同学们通过电话的方式邀请杨玲出去玩,进一步巩固问候语电话用语并进行了有效的拓展)3、 根据板书retell T:From the text,we know that Yang Ling calls Miss Li and tells her she has a cold and a fever she cant come to school today.Miss Li cares her on the phone.So we know Yang Ling is fine now,she can come to school tomorrow.(设计意图:通过板书对课文进行提炼总结,让学生回顾课文,达到进一步巩固的作用。)4.两人一小组合作,选择其中一个场景用土电话进行表演,也可以全文进行表演.5. Try to make a telephone call. 设计两个场景,in the morning, in the afternoon, 提供一些关键句型,让学生进行对话练习,让学生尝试把课文中学到的句子用在生活中.Step 4 Homework1、Listen 、read and act the story.2. Make a telephone call with your friends.3. Talk about some illnesses, pay attention to the ache.板书设计:四下 Unit8 How are you? Hello,this is . Speaking. May I speak to .? a cold and a fever fine cant come to school today can come to school tomorrow
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