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准备工作: 白板课件,CDROM翻好页,黑板画树、贴水果、画四线格,打印表格下发。Warming up:(课件1歌曲)Teacher sings a song with all the students and do actions.Greetings: T: Come on, children!Ss: Hoory!(起立)T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Jenny.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you, and how are you?T: Im very well, especially when I meet you all. Lets have our class, Ok?Ss: Ok!T: Sit down please!(坐下)Ss: Thank you, Jenny.T: You are welcome.Revision:T: Children, can you count the numbers from 1 to 12?Ss: Yes! 112 (边数边数手指头)T: Right! Whats this? (拿出苹果,梨)Ss: Its an apple./ a pear.T: There are some pictures. Please tell me how many are there. Boys are group one, girls are group two. One correct answer, you can put an fruit on the board for your group, understand? Ss: Yes!T: Look, how many? (显示课件,复习数字,男男/女女问答小组加分)Lead in:T: Look, there are so many fruit trees. They are apple trees, pear trees, orange trees, peach trees, ect.(在后面隐约画几簇别的树)Do you know where is it? Ss: Its a fruit farm!T: Right, a fruit farm. (板书单词)Ms. Smart and her children will go to a fruit farm this weekend, do you want to know what do they want to pick?Ss: Yes!T:Anyway, do you know what day is weekend?Ss: Its Saturday and Sundy.T: Ok, today lets learn Module4 Unit 1 Well pick fruit.(课件3,领读,释意)New knowledgeWords1 numbers1319:T: Look at the blackboard, how many fruit is there, Lets count.Ss 数清黑板上的水果数量。T: teen. What is it for? (课件4,释意)teen是一个后缀,3到9加上teen 就变成了13到19。What is 1-19, there are some special numbers. (白板手写功能)13, “ir” pronumced .r, 15 we put an “f” instead of the letters “ve”,18 because there is a t in “teen”, so this “t” is took off. Now read together.(生齐读)练习一:数字机T:There is a number machine. There are some worms in it, lets count together. Which number would you like to read?(学生选一个,听一遍) This time lets count to 19 together.练习二:黑板改写数量词T:There are numbers 3 to 9, who can come to the front and change it into teens. (小组加分)Words2 pick:T: Look, there are so many fruit in the fruit farm. Ill pick one apple, pick(板书,释意,个读,齐读)Sentence:T:I like apples. I ll pick 2 apples.(从黑板上的画的树上摘下来两个苹果贴,板书-释意-齐)T: What do you like? What will you pick?S: I like pears.T: Will you pick pears?S: Yes,I will./No, I wont.( 到前面摘梨,当奖励-教师板书句子-同桌练习个体展示并摘水果当奖励一生问师,师答:No, I wont.板释齐)Activity2, text teaching:1. T:Ms. Smart and her children will go to a fruit farm this weekend, what will they pick? Now I will play the CDROM, before that there are some questions, who can read and translate? (生读并释意)2. text flash.(播放CDROM,生静看听。-答题加分)3. 播第2遍,生听、指、读。4、生自已读。Activity 1,text teaching:T: Look, there are some animals, they are talking about age.(播放CDROM Activity1动画, 学生看屏幕静听。)T:Who can come to the front and tell us Who are big? Who are small? And Why? (学生到前面来指出答案,并说明原因。) Can you lead the reading? (学生用白板笔指单句领读。)T ask the S:How old are you? S: Im 10.T: Im 36, youre 10. Im old, youre young. Im big, you are small. Right? (展示两次) Now, work in pairs.(学生同桌之间练习语句的使用。) Who can show us, What did you do just now?(一至两组学生展示。)Consolidation and expandation:1、报数T: Please number off from you to that side.(来回两次快速报数)2、采访活动:果园采摘T:Look, there is many fruit. What are they?(领读,考个读)This weekend, we are going to a fruit farm, What will you pick? How many? Come out of your seat and ask your friend, write his or her answer on your sheet. You can write your friends name here, answers here. Go!(采访,个体汇报,发粘贴奖励。)Summary:Today, we have learnt the numbers from 13 to 19, the sentences.Homework:
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