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Unit 10 Great storybooks马德文教学目标:1、 通过Listen and say的短文阅读,帮助学生了解三本童话书及其作者。2、 通过Look and learn了解三本书。教学重点、难点Andersen wrote the stories.Children around the world enjoy reading his stories.教学过程一Pre- task preparations1、 自由会话T:First,Ill tell you something about my hobbies.I like playing basketball and I like reading books too.I like reading novels,stories and fairy tales.T:Do you like reading fairy tales?What kind of books do you like?PPT展示一些童话书的封面,让学生说出这些书的书名,中英文即可,同时出示这几个作者的照片。T:(show the covers of the books)Look at books,Did you read them?S1:Yes,I did. Its Andersens Fairy Tales.T:(show some pictures of writes)Do you know who wrote these books? Who is he?S2:Hes Andersen.学生尝试将人物图片和书配对。2、 教师说出答案,引导学生正确朗读每本书的名称和坐着的名字,引出主题。T:This book is Andersens Fairy Tales .Who were the writers?S1:Andersen.T:This book is Grimm brothers Fairy Tales .Who were the writers?S2:The Grimm brothers.T:This book is Aesops Fables .Do you know Who wrote it?S3:Aesop.While-task procedures1、 教师出示一些故事的名称及Listen and say的后续练习,让学生根据已有知识年乙烯故事名并说说是谁写的,介绍fairy tales,提问:Whats you favourite fairy tale?介绍Andersen之后,再介绍more about Andersen.后引出Grimm brother,介绍Grimm brother的生平,引出其作品。T:Here are some stories.Did you read any of the stories before?S1:Yes,I read “Snow White”.S2:I know “Cinderella”.T:Do you know Who wrote the stories?Ss:No.T:Today were going to find out who wrote these stories.播放录音,学生边听边看,了解课文大意。2、 将学生划分三人小组,每人负责一段自行阅读,然后在小组中朗读,并将相关阅读信息告诉组员,其他学生核对正误,小组共同完成后续练习.T:Now,read in group.First read it once or twice by yourselves.Then read it to your group.Tell your group members.What stories the writers wrote?S1:(read paragraph1)Andersen wrote “The emperors new clothes”and “The ugly duckling”.S2:(read paragraph2)The Grimm brothers wrote”Snow White”Little Red Ridding Hood”and”Cinderella”.S3:(read Paragraph3)Aesop wrote”The fox and grapes”The wind and the sun”and”The farmer and the snake”.3、 小组内说完以后,教师请学生代表在全班说一说,接着让学生独立朗读课文,完成Listen and say的后续练习,然后让学生介绍三个作者及其作品。S1:Andersen was a Danish writer.He wrote Andersens Fairy Tales.”The ugly duckling”and”The emperors new clothes”are from this book.4、 教师提出问题,帮助学生进一步了解相关的作者信息,引出Aesop的生平,拓展Aesop所写的故事。后根据课文提问。Aesop was a famous writer.Where did he come from?What book did he write?What is the book about?Why is his book so famous?What do people like about his book?用同样的方式帮助学生了解Andersen和The Grimm brothers.
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