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中考重点语法归纳一、 各种从句的简析:1. 宾语从句:(考点是宾语从句的语序和时态)l 连接词: that(可省略), whether+or not/if (是否),who(作主语),whom(做宾语),whose, what, which. l 时态:当主句是现在的某种时态(一般现在时,现在完成时,现在进行时),从句可用任何时态,例如:I dont know (主句)what he is going to do tomorrow. I dont know what he did last night. I dont know what he is doing now.当主句是一般过去时,从句要用过去的时态(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,一般现在时(表客观真理时用)例如:I didnt know what he had done the night before. I didnt know what he was doing at that time.I didnt know that the earth goes around the sun before. (客观真理)l 从句用陈述句语序:连接词+主语+谓语+其他 (熟读这些句子即可做题)I want to know whose pen it is. I dont know where he lives. Could you please tell me where he comes from?2. 时间状语从句:连词 when, while,as, before(在.之前),after(在.之后),till+until(直到), since(自从),as soon as(一.就.)l 重点考察根据主句和从句选择动作发生的顺序,很少考when, while(后只跟长动作即延续性动词), as 的区别例如:I brush my teeth after I get up. I turn off the light before I go out. l not.until 直到.才 (学会造句,敏锐察觉到句子考点 很容易忽视not 的存在)I didnt go to bed until I finished doing my homework. 直到做完作业我才睡觉。Dont get off the bus until it has stopped. 直到车停了再下车。3. 原因状语从句:三个主要连词(because(回答Why的问题), since, as意思都是由于,语气由强至弱)I didnt go because I am afraid. 我没有去因为我害怕。Since/As the weather is so bad, we have to stay at home. 由于天气如此糟糕,我们不得不呆在家里。4. 条件状语从句:两个连词: if (如果),unless(除非)l 主将从现:If it is sunny(从句), we will go to the park tomorrow(主句). 注意与宾语从句的if (是否) 区别开来:常考 例如I dont know if(是否) he will come tomorrow. (从句后的时态根据出现的时间状语定)If (如果)he comes, I will go to the park with him. (主将从现)l 根据句子意思判断用哪个连词,因为句子表达不一样可以互换。例如:You will fail the exam unless you work hard.= You will fail the exam if you dont work hard. 5. 结果状语从句:so.that, such.that (都是如此.以至于的意思)l 连个连词的区别:若中间的成分只有adj/adv 则用 so+adj/adv+that He is so handsome that we all like him. 他是如此帅以至于我们都喜欢他。 若中间的成分除了adj外,还有n. 等的存在,则用such+(a/an)+adj+n(s)+thatHe is such a handsome boy that we all like him. 他是如此帅的一个男孩以至于我们都喜欢他。6. 让步状语从句:连词 though, although 都是“尽管”的意思,不能与but同时连用。I am happy though/ although I am very tired. 尽管我很累,但是我很开心。Although I am poor, I am happy. 尽管我很穷,但是我很开心。7. 目的状语从句: so that (以便)两个词中间不存在任何词 , in order that (为了) 例如: I get up early so that I can catch the early bus. 我早起以便赶上早班车。(目的)I get up so early that I catch the early bus. 我起的如此早以至于我赶上早班车。(结果)8. 定语从句:主要看先行词即所修饰的词是人还是物, that(指物也可指人),which(指物), who(指人,主语),whom(指人,宾语)I dont know the girl(先行词) that is wearing a red coat.=I dont know the girl who is wearing a red coat. 我不认识穿着红色外套的女孩。People will do something(先行词) that makes you sad.=People will do something which makes you sad. 人们会做一些令你伤心的事情。The girl whom (作宾语)you talked with yesterday is my sister. 昨天和你谈话的女孩是我的妹妹。The girl who(作主语) is eating an apple is my sister. 吃着苹果的那个女孩是我的妹妹。二、 常考其他的连词和句式:1. There be 句型的主语遵循就近原则。 There is a book, some pens and three apples on the desk.2. not only . but also 不仅.而且, either.or 不是.就是,neither.nor 既不.也不 连接主语时,谓语也遵循就近原则。Not only he but also I am right. 不仅他对,我也是对的。Either he or I am right. 不是他对就是我对。Neither he nor I am right. 他不对我也不对。3. 名词后有as well as, with, along with(都是“和”的意思)时,用最远原则(即与最前面的主语一致)。The teacher as well as his students comes into the classroom. 老师和他的学生们走进课室。4. 所有的不定代词做主语时,谓语一律用单数。(something, somebody, anything, anybody, none(没有任何一个), each(每一个)等等Something is wrong with my bike. 我的自行车有点问题。None of us is right. 我们中没有一个人是对的。5. 动名词做主语时,谓语用第三人称单数。建议写作时多用这种句式。Playing computer games is my hobby. 玩游戏是我的爱好。Protecting the environment is our duty. 保护环境是我们的责任。6. 被动语态主要注意选项中有没有被动语态的结构:be+动词的过去分词+by He is told to come to the party. 他被告知来参加派对。重点注意:在主动态中不带to 的动词转化成被动语态时加上to. (make sb do sth sb be made to do sth)(have sb do sth sb be made to do sth)(let sb do sth sb be let to do sth )(see sb do sth sb be seen to do sth)(hear sb do sth sb be heard to do sth)I make my sister clean the bedroom. (主动)I was made to clean the bedroom by my mother.(被动)7. 情态动词:can(能),must(必须),need(需要),have to(不得不),had better(最好),should(应该) + 动词原形 I can play basketball. 我会打篮球。 I have to leave now. 我现在必须要离开了。常考点:Must I hand in my homework tomorrow. Yes, you must.(是的,你必须。) No, you dont have to/ you neednt.(不,你不需要) 不能回答mustnt. 8. 做时态题主要记清楚不同时态的标志时间状语,例如 tomorrow用一般将来时, last night/year/month 用一般过去时, now/ look/ listen用现在进行时, 有since/ for +时间状语,用现在完成时,every day/month/year, usually,sometimes 用一般现在时。 l 多背多记动词的原形,过去式,过去分词。例如:Go-went-gone see-saw-seen take-took-taken buy-bought-bought 定语从句关系代词: who, whom, whose, that, which关系副词:where, when, why当先行词是物时, 用which 或that引导.These are the trees which were planted last year.当先行词是人时, 用who, whom, whose, that引导.1. I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.2. Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her.3. The man _ leg broke in a match used
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