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警示 南方医科大学授予学士学位工作细则规定:“考试作弊者不授予学士学位”。南方医科大学-第一学期公共卫生与热带医学学院医学微生物学试卷(A)合用班级: 医学英语级1、在试卷上写上姓名和学号。2、请按题目规定,选择题答案涂在答题卡上,问答题和翻译题直接在试卷上相应位置作答。3、采用考卷考试,只容许带1本英中文典、1本教材和1本配套教材,其她书籍一概不准带进考场。4、考试时请严格遵守考场纪律,独立完毕。考试过程中原则上不容许擅自离开考场。年级:级 专业: 医学英语本科 学号: 姓名: 课程学时数:0 考试日期:月21日,考试时长:20分钟,组卷人:龙北国题序一二三四总分题型A型题B1型题A2A3/4型题病例简答题题量151010满分3000310一、A1型题 (单句型最佳选择题。每一道考题下面均有五个备选答案。请从中从中选择一种最合适的答案,并在答题卡上相应位置涂黑,以示对的回答。合计15题,每题分,满分30分).hichne of th olloin atacks nucleic aci ?下列哪一种选项缺少核酸?A. Bactea(细菌).Viuse(病毒)C Prns(朊病毒)D Potoo(原生动物)E.Fung(真菌)2. Wh ack cel all anddo nt synthesie(合成) te recurss (前体)f petidoglycan (肽聚糖)? 下列哪个缺少细胞壁肽聚糖的合成前体?.Spirohees(螺旋原虫) Chlamdiae(衣原体)C. Lforms(L型菌). Protozo(原生动物)EMycplamas(支原体)3. Whch f the fllowingcmpnens i pren(存在)n gramnega(革兰阴性) bteia bu n nam-sitve(革兰阳性) baceria ? (下列哪种成分是革兰阴性菌存在革兰氏阳性细菌不存在的呢?). Petidoglcan(肽聚糖)B. Lipi (脂质A)C. Cpse(胶囊)D Flagel(鞭毛)E. Lipoteicoic ai(磷壁酸)4. Each ohe flowing satmenscerningbacteri poe(芽孢)i orctEXCET (下列有关细菌芽孢的说法错误的是)A. They aefme onl by grampositive btia(她们只由革兰氏阳性细菌形成)B. Thy an be kiledwhn beng heat o 21.3 for 50minutes(它们在11.)C. The cotin muh eswater than bctril egetatve cellsD.Te srvival aiity is ase on teir enancedmtablcactiviy(她们的生存能力是基于增强代谢活动)E.Tey a rmeundeadvere eironentaloniions sh as the absce ofcrb surce(她们是在不利的环境条件下形成的,如缺少碳源)5. Most miroranss(微生物)patgenic(病原体) fohuman grw est in thbatry whn culturs ae icuaed at (大多数对人致病的病原微生物在实验室的最合适孵化温度是). 1520B. 20-0C.37350E. 50-56. A 23-y-o oman hs ten E.oli (大肠埃希菌)noculte ino her blader ileangsex. These . cli hav a eeration me of20 minus.Afera la phae(缓慢期) o 0minut, he E cli eterthe logrthmic phe of growth After 3 hourso lagndlogarthicgroth, e ttal numbe of E. coi is (一种23岁的女人在做爱时有十个大肠杆菌(大肠埃希菌)跑到了她的膀胱里。这些大肠杆菌繁殖一代需要0分钟。通过(缓慢期)的20分钟,大肠杆菌进入对数期的增长。通过3小时的缓慢期和对数增长期,大肠杆菌的总数是)A 90B. 1802560D. 520E. 1000007. ah of te ollowing staemen coerng the ilng o tr crect EXCEPT (有关灭菌,下列说法错误的是)A. The pasteurization(巴氏灭菌法)o mlk ilspathoges ut llomay organim and poesto urviv (牛奶的巴氏灭菌杀死病原体但容许许多有机体生存和孢子)BSeenty f pre ta kil sefectvely thanabsolute(10%)ethanol(百分之七十五的乙醇杀菌效果不如(10%)乙醇)C. An autoaveses steam der 15l/sq o essre to reach the iling temperatr f 21.Some catoic sufansca kills incrsing th membre permeabiit ofbacteria(某些阳离子表面活性剂可以通过增长膜的通透性来杀死细菌)E Utrvioet light il by cusin th formatinf hymie dimers i bari D(紫外线杀死引起细菌的原理是影响细菌DN的胸腺嘧啶二聚体的形成)8. achf the fllowin tatents conrningembrs thnafor(正常菌群)s crrect ECEPT. Ae suallnonpthogenu ca cauediase i immunocmprmised patent(一般是不致病的,但可以导致免疫功能低下的患者发病).Prevt some phognsfm coloiing mucos braes(避免某些病原体附着在黏膜上)C Are prsen in large numbers intheo thann hrpas of h uma body(人体结肠存在的正常菌群比其她地方的多)Ar mortntn einghe f t ne low(是保存尿液的重要条件)E. Playn importt role in he elopment fimuoloic cpeence(在免疫中发挥了重要作用)9. Each otheolowingsttements ncering ung ndbtera s correct EXCTA. Yeasts reprduey udin(出芽), hereas bteria rpduce by bina(二分裂)(酵母出芽,细菌二分裂)B. Soe fui under dmorphic changeswen th rw in tisse, whereasctiadonotC.Funa oes ae les t-resistath bacterial endspores(比起细菌内孢子,真菌孢子不耐热)D. Bcerialcels possess pptidoglyan,whees fungalells do n(细菌细胞具有肽聚糖,而真菌细胞没有) Both baeri cell ngl clls have 70 rbosomes(核糖体)(所有细菌均有70S核糖体)10. WhicVis is ikel to stabli latent nfios ?(哪个病毒也许建立潜伏感染)A. Hrps iple virus(单纯疱疹病毒). Degue virus(登革病毒)C. nfluenzavrus(流感病毒)D. Rotavru(轮状病毒)E. HepatitisB irus(乙肝病毒)11. The abilityoa rust poduce iseascan esulfrm a aety o mcanis. Whc o ofthefolowin staemnts isLEAST ikely(下列病毒产生疾病的机制中。最不也许的是)A. Diect cytopaticeffect n vius-nected cel(在感染病毒的细胞直接细胞病变效应)B.alignant tasformation o ius-infctedcells(病毒感染细胞让其恶性转化) mune response o vus-induceangnonthe srcsf thevrs-ind cell(免疫反映病毒诱导感染病毒的细胞的表面抗原)D. Pdction on xox th causs dmage tohostcells(生产的外毒素引起宿主细胞损伤). mpolyng so wayto ndue hostcelpoptosi(凋亡)12. Iterferons(干扰素)a important partof th host dfe aanstvira inftn. W is
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