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2022年物流师考试商务英语资料之订货表达1、订购商品Please send to the following items to beshipped by way express,and bill us. The order ;is contingent on receiving the terms of 2%-30days:1 doz.linen handkerchiefs: $2.404pair tanpigskin gloves, size:$12.002doz.assortedOrlon sport shirts : $72.005pair assorted cottonsocks : $2.00TOTAL : $88.40.请将以下各项商品交由铁路以快运方式发运给我们并列帐单。根据“2%-30天”的条件执行。1打亚麻布手帕 2.40美元4双棕黄色猪皮手套(尺码) 12.002打各种花色的奥纶运动衫 72.005双杂色棉线短袜 2.00合计 88.40美元2、开具所需商品单并要求尽快装运Please ship the following goods by motor freightas soon as possible,and charge them to ouraccount:15Ibs. bicarbonate of soda $4.501grossboxes of aspirin $36.0020bottles RappSyrup-#47B $10.00TOTAL $50.50.请尽快用汽车发运以下物品:费用请记入我方帐内。15磅小苏打 4.50美元12打盒装阿司匹林 36.00美元20瓶拉普糖浆-47B 10.00美元合计 50.50美元3、确认订货This is to confirm my telephone order ofyesterday for thefollowing items:4Jr.SewingMachines Model 3A 7Homemakers IroningBoards15 Fold Up Clothes Racks.昨天我在电话所联系的以下各项订货现作进一步确认。4台3A型小缝纫机、7只家用熨斗、15只折迭式衣架。4、要求按订货单发货Thank you for your samples of striped coatingsreceived today.Please make shipment in accordancewith our Order No.2602 enclosed herewith.今日收到你们寄来的带条纹外衣料样品,感谢。请根据信内附寄的第2602号订单发货。
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