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http:/kr.langfly.com 能飞韩语 http:/jp.langfly.com 能飞日语 春节期间每天一句英语1我能请一天假吗?Can I have a day off?2棒极了。Its awesome.3过去的痛苦即是快乐。Pain past is pleasure.4好久不见。Long time no see.5过会儿再来找我。Catch me later.6就是这么回事。Thats the way it is.7就这样吧。Just let it be.8别让我失望。Dont let me down.9那样才像话。Thats more like it.10莫依赖明天。Tomorrow never comes.11别误会我。Dont get me wrong.12别这么谦虚。Dont be so modest.13来得容易,去得快。Easy come, easy go.14不必客气。Dont mention it.15不要坐失良机。Dont miss the boat.16不用麻烦了。Dont bother.17不用找了。Keep the change.18到目前为止还好。So far, so good.19发生了一些事。Somethings come up.20发生什么事了?Whats going on?21非常感谢。Thanks a million.22给我打电话。Give me a call.23耐心点儿。Hold your horses.24你该知足了。You cant complain.25你开玩笑吧。You are kidding.26你们营业到几点?How late are you open?27你明白我的意思吗?Have you got that?28你明天有空吗?Are you free tomorrow?29你玩得开心吗?Did you have fun?30您要点菜吗?Can I take your order?31请便别客气。Be my guest.32请别打扰我。Please leave me alone.33请告诉我一声。Please let me know.34请慢慢享用吧。Enjoy your meal.35让我们言归于好吧。Lets make up.36三思而后行。Look before you leap.37尚未决定。Its up in the air.38世事难料。You never know.39视情形而定。It all depends.40说时容易做时难。Easier said than done.41随你便。Suit yourself.42他使我快要发疯了。It drives me crazy.43晚饭我请客。Dinner is on me.44我不能肯定。I dont know for sure.45我不是故意的。I didnt mean to.46我的身体状况很好。Im in good shape.47我赶时间。Im pressed for time.48我很随和。Im easy to please.49我会想起来的。It will come to me.50我今天心神不宁。Im not myself today.http:/www.langfly.com 能飞英语 http:/word.langfly.com 能飞背单词
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