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2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、When do you think is the best time to visit Yancheng?You come here in spring or autumn. The weather is quite pleasant.Ahad better Bwould rather Chave to Dwould like2、(2016安徽) For our own safety, its important to _ the traffic rules on the way to school.Afollow Bchange Cmake Dbreak3、-Where are the twins?-One _ flowers and trees in the garden, the other _ to help her.Ahas watered, has goneBis watering, has beenCis watering, has goneDhas watered, has been4、I want to borrow the detective novel written by Agatha Christie,but I dont know how long it can _. For two weeks.Akeep Breturn Cbe kept Dbe returned5、These new cooking robotsin Shenzhen last year.AmakeBmadeCare madeDwere made6、-How did you get the MP4, from a shop or by phone? -_. I always like shopping online. ANone B. Neither CBoth DAll7、 Im sorry, Mom. I lost that wallet you gave me. .AThe same to youBIts my pleasureCWell, never mindDNice to meet you8、 Im going to play basketball after school. What about you?_.AYes, basketball is very popular.BOh! Its so hot.CI like basketball very much.DMe too.9、_ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you.ASomebodyBAnybodyCEverybodyDNobody10、 How often do I need to feed my pet dog, Mr Henry?Once or twice a day.Ago for a walk withBgive food toCtake care of. 完形填空11、 The best way of learning a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is 1 in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words 2 up and people will not 3 you. Sometimes people will 4 things too quickly and you cant understand them. But 5 you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you 6 . Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing 7 your mistakes. Its 8 for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, 9 they dont understand what you we saying. The most important thing for learning English is: “Dont be 10 of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”1AlisteningBtalkingCreadingDwriting2AmixBmixingCto mixDmixed3AlikeBknowChelpDunderstand4AsayBtalkCtellDspeak5AifBwhenCsinceDalthough6AhaveBmakeCtakeDproduct7AatBonCinDfor8AgoodBbetterCbestDwell9AunlessBbecauseCas soon asDas long as10AsadBworryCafraidDunhappy. 语法填空12、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词.Its four oclock in the afternoon. Some students1(talk) about the future. Here is one of their predictions. I believe we will be able to live in the space. There2(be) many big clean hotels in the space. We can fly our rockets to the space hotel there. And also we 3play) sports and enjoy all kinds of interesting food in the sky. John Lisa Hawkins loves riding her BMX bike (极限单车)and her dream is to go to the Olympics. Lisa first got interested in BMX racing at the age of ten. Once she hired(租) a bike for a pound and immediately 4(fall) in love with the sport. “It was the best pound I ever spent,” she says. Lisa is only 16 but she 5already have) lots of success, and got first prize in a world BMX competition last year. BMX racing is quite a dangerous sport. But this didnt keep her from6(want) to do more competition. Lisa exercises every day. Like many sports people, she7(believe) in luck as well as hard work. 阅读理解A13、An Internet meme(表情包), is some kind of idea or piece of information that spreads very quickly across a large number of Internet users. Its a bit like the online equivalent(相当的) of an inside joke, a fashionable, attention-grabbing concept(概念) that a large number of Internet users have known. A meme often takes the form of a hyperlink(超链接), spread through e-mails, blogs, social networking, instant messaging, etc.A meme might be a joke or quotation(引语), a rumor(传言) or simple fact, an image, piece of video, or even a website, which can be passed from one person to another through electronic communication. A key facet(面,方面)of a meme is that it is voluntary, a communication which spreads from one place to the next without any kind of compulsion(懊悔)or automation(自动化).Memes might stay the same as they transfer from one source to another, but can sometimes evolve, modified(改进的) or expanded by each new recipient. They can also fade as fast as they spread, ascending in popularity and then disappearing within a matter of days.The term Meme was used by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 popular science bestseller, The Selfish Gene. The term may refer to the content that
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