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五年级下Unit6 In the kitchen 第一课时一、教学内容:Unit6 In the kitchen Story time二、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)能听、说、读单词game, smell, meat, vegetables, tomato, potato, look for, ready, yummy, love等。(2)能正确理解和解读故事内容。2. 能力目标(1) 能正确、流利有感情地朗读故事。(2) 能根据板书复述并谈论故事。3. 情感目标(1) 能树立健康饮食的意识。 (2 ) 能学会欣赏、赞美别人。(2) 能主动参与活动,通过同伴互助学会合作学习。三、教学重点1. 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型: Are you doing ?、Yes, I am./No, Im not.、How is the meat/soup/?及正确回答。2. 能够从整体到局部理解故事内容。3. 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。四、教学难点: 1. 现在进行时态的一般疑问句。2. 体会人物语言的情感与体验。五、教学准备: PPT、图片六、教学过程:(一)热身活动:(1) Listen to a song T: Do you like this song? Whats in this song?S:Follow me! To ma totomato some tomatoesT: What about this one? S: Potato T: po ta topotato some potatoesT: Tomatoes and potatoes are vegetables. Here are a lot of vegetables.T: How to read this word? S: tableT: But here we say table. Ve-ge-table-vegetable vegetablesT: Where can we cook them?S1: We cook them in the kitchen. T: We cook nice food in the kitchen every day.(揭题) Today we will learn unit6 in the kitchen.(二) 阅读活动1. Prereading (1) Ask and answerT: Look, heres kitchen. This lesson, we are going to learn the story. “ In the kitchen”(读题)What do you want to know about the story. Try to ask with the key words, just like what time, who, what.S: When is it now? ( You want to the time)S: Who are in the kitchen? ( the person)S: Whats in the kitchen? (I guess there are a lot of food)S: What are they doing now?T: Oh, you have so many good questions. Listen carefully and try to catch the key words.S: Its six oclock in the evening. Liu Tao and his parents are in the kitchen.Liu Taos parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen.(2) Read and enjoyT: Good job! You catch the key words so quickly. When we meet them, we should read clearly and loudly. That is the stress. Can you read? Lets have a try.T: Do you know football game? Can you play football? After having a football game, how is Liu Tao? S1: He is hungry and thirsty. S2: He is hot and tired.2. While-reading (1) 整体阅读T: Absolutely, he is very hungry and thirsty. Whats going on? Lets watch the story and put pictures in order. S: _ _ _T: Thats it. What are they doing in different pictures? They are cooking in p1, so I think it is the cooking time. What about P2 and P3?S: P2 is waiting time/P3 is the eating time.T: Well done. You know the pictures. (2)分步阅读Cooking timeT: First, lets look at the cooking time. Mum and Dad are cooking now. What are they cooking? Lets ask. Let me ask! Mum, are you cooking fish? More questions?S1: Are you cooking eggs/tomatoes/mushrooms? T: Maybe./Perhaps./I hope so./ I think you like the fish/ I dont think so./ Really?/Lets wait and seeT: What are Dad and Mum cooking now? Read the dialogue carefully and try to catch the key sentence.T: What is Mum doing now? S: She is washing some vegetables.T: How do you know that? Because Mum says Ss: Im washing some vegetables.T: What does she want to do with the vegetables? S: She wants to cook tomato soup.T: Look, this is the tomato soup. Now, lets read. Mum, are you cooking meat? Ss: No, Im not. I am washing some vegetables. I want to cook tomato soup.T: Good! Boys, can you ask? Girls answer. Ready? Go! (男女生对话) Now, exchange!T: What is Dad cooking now?Ss: Dad is cooking meat with potatoes.T: Thats it. Dad says Ss: I am cooking meat with potatoes, Taotao. T: This is the meat with potatoes. 教meat和 meat with potatoesT: Dad, Dad! what are you doing? Ss: I am cooking meat with potatoes.T: Dad, Dad, (请一位学生) Ss: What are you doing?S1: I am cooking meat with potatoes.T:So nice! Who likes meat?Ss: Me!T: And me. Meat is very delicious, but in a healthy diet, we should eat more vegetables and less meat every day.T: By the way. Dad is cooking the meat. Does Liu Tao want to eat the meat? S: Yes. T: How do you know?T: Lets listen to Liu Tao. That smells nice.T: This is the meat. Lets smell the meat together. Smell (表情+动作) sm ell-smellSs: SmellT: How is the meat, Taotao?Ss: That smells nice, Mum. T: Very good! I am sure you will love it.T: How is the meat? S1: That smells nice. Mum.T: Well done. The meat smells nice, Taotao. Come and have a look!S: Great! I cant wait. Dad. T: Wow! You read very well. Who can read better? Dont forget your body language? T: But you have to wait. Because it is cooking time now. T: Boys and girls, this is the picure1 , the cooking time. Can you read? When we meet the stress, Please read clearly and loudly. (学生跟读cooking time)T: As we know, Dad and Mum are busy in the kitchen. Mum is Dad is(贴板书)分步阅读Drinking timeT: But Liu Tao is very hungry! He is looking for the apple juice in the fridge. How does he ask?S: Mum, is there any apple juice in the fridge?T: Now lets read in roles. Boys are Liu Tao. Girls are Mum. T: 板书第二板块分步阅读Eating timeT: After drinking
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