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Unit 10 Id like some noodlesSection B (2a-2c)贵阳市白云区第一中学 何芹芹一、 教材内容分析本节课是初中英语教材 Go for it 七年级下册第十单元第三课时的阅读课,需1课时完成,该部分介绍了世界各地人们庆祝生日时不同的饮食文化,贴近学生日常生活,比较容易激起学生的学习兴趣。在对各国生日食物的文章的阅读的同时,既要提高学生的阅读能力,训练学生语言文字的组织能力,又要渗透中西方文化比较和跨文化理解的内容。二、 学情分析 本班学生基础薄弱,因此每节课授课内容相对较少。且即使上课时采用半英文教学,学生都不容易接受。另一方面十一班的同学学习积极性欠佳,优良生很少,中等生也不多,中下层面的学生占绝大多数,所以,授课时要重基础、重方法,以增强信心、培养兴趣为主。三、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:(1).学习关于不同国家的生日食物的不同,了解各个国家的习俗。(2).学会运用老师所教的阅读的方法进行审题、做题。(3).根据课堂上学会的阅读技巧,提高阅读理解能力。2、过程与方法:(1).学会根据所读或所听内容整理表格信息。(2).根据教育规律和学生特点,采用有效合作的策略,进一步完成本课内容。(3).在阅读训练中,通过“教”、“学”、“用”三者结合提高学生寻读的能力。3. 情感态度与价值观:(1).通过对中、西方庆祝生日时不同的饮食文化,激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们乐学、爱学。(2).体会学习英语的乐趣,做到“在用中学”“在学中用”。了解世界各地的饮食文化,生日文化等事情,使学生们具有初步的世界文化观念。四、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:(1).对文章快速阅读的能力以及获取具体信息的能力。(2).通过有效的阅读策略获取文章信息的能力。2. 教学难点 阅读训练与听力训练五、课型:阅读课六、 教学步骤:Step 1 Greeting and Leading inT: Good morning .boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms He.T: Whats the date today?Ss: It is June 21st.T: Do you know whose birthday is today?Ss: Sorry, I dont know.T: Today is Liu Zhimins birthday ,Lets sing a song for her .OK?Ss: OK.T: lets sing along with the song.(Play the song and all the Ss sing together) 活动目的:用一首 “ Happy Birthday”歌曲导入今天的新课。可以增进同学之间的情谊,激发学生的好奇心,并引入了本节课的主题birthday food 。Step 2 Pre-readingThen ask some students about their birthday.T:My birthday is on February 25th. When is your birthday Luo xincheng ?S: My birthday is on T: What do you do on your birthday? S:I usually have a birthday party.(Help Ss to answer the question)T: what do you eat on your birthday?Ss: I usually have a birthday cake.T: What else do we eat on our birthday?S1: We usually have Long noodles.S2: we usually have eggs.Ss take turns to talk about it.T: My birthday is on February the 25th.I usually have a birthday party. My friends come to my party. We have a great time. And I usually have a birthday cake. 活动目的:让学生进行仿说,增强口语交际能力。T: OK. Good. Do you know what do people in the UK do on their birthday? And what do they eat on their birthday? Then lets look at some pictures to know something about their birthday.Show the Ss some pictures about the new words and teach Ss to read them.活动目的:用图片进行新单词的教学,深化了学生对单词的理解,有助于英语学习。Step 3 While reading1、 T: OK. Lets look at the following sentences, and get the meaning of them. Then look through the article and judge Yes (Y) or No (N) of the sentences. Before our reading, you should underline the sentences that are similar to each problem. I will give you two minutes to finish this task.(1). _ The number of candles on the birthday cake is the persons age. (2). _ In the UK, when the child has the birthday cake with the candy, he/she is lucky.(3). _ In China, people eat noodles on their birthday, we never have cake.(4). _ People in different countries have different birthday foods.Ask different Ss to say their answers. Then check the answers with the class.Answers: (1) Y (2) Y (3) N (4) Y活动目的:先由老师给出“寻读”的解题方法,让学生用老师所教授的方法来解题。达到“教”的目的。(这样的题型,不用通读全文,我们带着句子里出现的词块去原文中找,将词块在文中出现的地方划出来。)2、 T: I have already given you a way to solve the problem. Then lets have a try. Read the article again and complete the chart.CountryFoodSpecial meaningUKChina(Answers: UK:a candy 、lucky;China:the long noodles、a symbol of long life)T:OK. Lets check your answer. What do people eat on their birthday in the UK?S1: A birthday cake with a candy.T: Please tell me how to get the answer.S1: when I look at the chart , I get the information“ UK”, then I look through the whole article and underline the origin of the sentence with “UK”.T: you did a good job. OK. We can get the answers according to some key words or phrases.活动目的:通过刚才学到的“寻读”解题方法,节约了时间,而且正确率高,使学生们感受到了成功的喜悦,增强了他们的学习自信心,达到“学”的目的。(首先先观察表格,带着表格里的关键词去原文中找到答案,同样不用通读全文。)3. T: OK. We have read the article twice, lets read it for the third time, but before reading, who can tell me how to solve the following problems. S: I think we should know the meaning of the questions. Then read the article in 2b again to get the information and pay attention to the key words and phrases.T: OK. You have learnt the way to solve the problem. Lets have a try. If you cant get the information ,you can discuss with your partner。Read the article for the third time and answer the questions. (1). How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true? (2). What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake? (3). Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China? (4). Why do people eat special foods on their birthday? (Answers:(1):If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.(2):They usually put a candy in a birthday cake.(3):Because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. (4):Because they want to bring good luck to the birthday person.)T: OK. Lets check your answer. S1, How can a person make his or her birthday wish come tru
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