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【最新】精选高考英语二轮专项复习训练:专项5书面体现 第2讲 素能强化含答案真题预测题组第一组 书面体现(邀请信)书面体现(推荐信)1(全国)假定你是李华,想邀请外教Hry一起参观剪纸(paputting)艺术展。请给她写封邮件,内容涉及:1展览时间、地点;2展览内容。注意:1词数00左右;2可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。_【范文赏读】DeHenry,I awitingto inite oto atend teChines ape-cuting ar exhbition t e ed in thart galley from 8:0am to 5:00 pm next Sunday nr y ctr. Paper-ctting a trditiona ar fom i hina,which a a hisory ofmoe than 1,500 yers. Peope oft beauifyheirhome wit paputtng dringfestivals and wedis. nhisxhtion,yo cansee aper-cutig wth all kns ofpatern.Inaddition,the are famous ss wh will pefom w u apr on te pt.I wish tha u could gra this opporunity to lean raditina Chines ctur furth. ookin fowad toyour reply. Yrsicerely,i a 2(陕西)假定你是李华,在校报英语专栏看到了学校“英语文化节”的一则招募启事。请阅读启事,并根据写作要点和写作规定写一封应征邮件。Vlneer and写作要点:1体现写信意图;2陈述应征目的;3.阐明应征条件(性格、能力等)。写作规定:1邮件词数不少于100;2开头和结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数;3可根据状况增长细节,使行文连贯;.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。Dear hn,m Li Hua, tudnt from Class ,ae . _ _Lookn foward tyour repl. ours trly,i Hua【范文赏读】Der_sn,_Li_Ha,astent_fom_Clas_2,Grad3m writngo pplyforhe sito a a tet volueer I ase that ca perctly live p toour xions. Iwll be grtefu if you uld givee ind osierton.ooking_forad_to_yu_reply. Y_rul,LHua_模拟题组第一组邀请信+推荐信1(石家庄一模)假定你是李华,你所在的校运动俱乐部将面向外国朋友开设太极(ai hi)课。请写一封邮件,邀请你校的英国互换生Pter参与。要点如下:1.上学时间与地点;2.报名的截止日期。注意:1词数00左右;2.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。DerPeter,_ors,LiHua【范文赏读】Dear_Peer,Hows evrytin oi? Im iHua,witing t ivite to ated Tai C cass e byu srts u.Tai Ci,oriinted inCina,eoys e poplarity. Anyone,regarlessof age o levelsof fitss,npratice ndbeefit fo Tai Chi. raticngTai Chi,yo will eel menallyan hysicaly elaxed wihte haroniou oveme Imureyo wlldvlpagrat itersin ths gntle xercie. Te cls wllstart etn 5:00 p.m and6:00 p. m.every Monda in our schooym next month.The clsg date or try is nextTudayPles etme knw if you t to sign our name.Loing forwar t our arl eply.Yor,L_Hua【一句多译】体现方式一: Li Haan Id li to itey oatend a Tai hicasihis hel by ousosclub.体现方式二:Im L ua ,n wodyu ke to join the Tai Chi class whchis ed by ou sport lub?Ta Chi,which giatd in Chna,joy great poularity.体现方式一:When ou pactice hi,yo wil elmealyd phsicay relxed wih te harmnious moveents体现方式二:Pratce i hi,andowil el mentlly and hyilly rla wth theharmonious movements. I is erin that you wildevelop a grt interest in thgnlexercse. Il precite iti yo le me w whetheryu at o gnour nae 体现方式一:r eay repl il be apreciated!体现方式二: a okng forr o eceivng you erl reply. (高中毕业班质检)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友ee很想理解文物的故事,请你根据如下要点,写一封邮件向她推荐C-3的国家宝藏(Nail Treasur)节目。内容涉及:1.节目内容:简介重点文物的故事;2.节目目的:感受悠久的老式文化。注意:1.词数00左右;.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯;3.信的开头与结尾已写好,不计入总词数。DeaPeter,Ho s everything goin?_
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