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2017中学英语中考复习提纲作文半月练第1天书面表达今年是你的学校建校30周年,有一批外宾将来你校参观,请根据下表写一篇90词左右的短文,向外宾介绍你的学校。提示词语:teaching building,office building,art building过去现在人数2位教师,30多名学生200多位教师,2000多名学生(共40个班)建筑两间房教学楼、办公楼、艺术楼各一栋特色体育、艺术特色;学生学习勤奋,坚持锻炼,全面发展。Our school has a history of 30 years._Our school has a history of 30 years. In the beginning,there were only two teachers and over 30 students. All the students had classes in two houses. But our school has changed a lot in these 30 years. Now there are over 200 teachers working in our school. There are more than2,000 students in 40 classes. Now our school has a teaching building,anoffice buildingand anart building. Our school is famous for P.E. and Art. The students are working hard. We keep doing sportsand improve ourselves in every way.第2天书面表达根据下面表格的提示,写一篇80词左右的短文。人类的不明智之举1.乱伐树林2.乱扔垃圾3.不加处理排放废物导致的问题1.土地沙化2.河水变脏3.空气质量差4.全球气温升高建议至少两条合理化建议As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish away here and there. Many factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes. As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. Many rivers and lakes are dead now. The air is becoming dirtier and dirtier. The temperature on the earth becomes higher and higher. Many people now are in bad health. I think everyone is supposed to reduce the waste. Recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money. Wed better not buy bottles or boxes which people can use only once. If we are greener people, our world will become more and more beautiful.第3天书面表达你校的学生会正在选择举下一届学生会主席。你觉得Cathy是合适人选。根据下表内容写一封推荐信介绍她的情况。注意:1.短文应包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2.100词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。NameCathyAge16Star SignAriesPersonalities自信、精力充沛、积极向上、乐于助人(举一例),有创新精神Favorite colour黄色,因为它代表智慧和热情Interests and hobbies喜欢看杂志,玩电脑,痴迷于足球,英语考试得满分,上学期写作比赛一等奖。Shortcomings(缺点)数学不太好,在上面花费较少的时间,他说他将尽力Dear Sir:Were writing to recommend Cathy as the new chairperson of the Students Union._In a word, he has all the qualities to be a chairperson. We hope that you agree with us.Yours sincerelyZhang MingShe is 16 years old .Her star sign is Aries. She is confident and energetic. She is also active and always ready to help others. She shows the Grade 9 students how to use the library. She is creative and imaginative enough to come up with new ideas. She likes yellow best, as it represents wisdom and warmth. She likes reading magazines and playing computer games .She also get full marks in English exams. Last term she won the first prize. However, she doesnt do well in maths, she spends less time on it. She says she will try her best to learn it well.第4天书面表达你校对全体学生就“Wheres your free time gone?”进行了调查。假设你是校园记者,请根据本调查的结果(见下表),用英语写一篇80-90词的报道,并结合自己的情况谈谈你的感受和想法。注意:开头已给出,不计入总词数。Wheres your free time gone?Doing homeworkGoing to after-school classesDoing sportsSurfing the Internet55%20%8%17%Recently, weve made a survey in our school about “Wheres your free time gone?” Here are the results.Recently, weve made a survey in our school about “Wheres your free time gone?” here are the results. Students spend most of their free time on study,including doing homework and going to different kinds of after-school classes. Only 8% of them spend their free time doing sports. Surfing the Internet is the most popular activity for children. Just like the other students, I have much homework. It usually takes me about three hours to finish my homework every night. Im tired and stressed. I really hope Ill have more time to do what I like to do, such as doing sports, listening to music and so on.第5天书面表达刘欣(Liu xin)在广告上看到“绿色武汉”的计划后,对这个计划非常感兴趣,请你以刘欣的身份,用英语向这个计划的负责人刘梅写一封应聘信,内容如下:1、15岁,武汉人,中学生;2、在空闲时间喜欢种花和饲养动物;3、认为这个计划不错想加入其中;4、谈谈想加入的理由(至少两点)。要求:1、不要逐句翻译。 2、字数60-80词。参考词汇:advertisement n.广告Green Wuhan program“绿色武汉”计划free time空闲时间Dear Liu Mei,Dear Liu Mei,I have seen your advertisement about Green Wuhan program. Im very interested in your plan. My name is Liu Xin. Im 15 years old. Im a middle school student. I like keeping animals and growing flowers in my free time. I think your project is very great and I can learn a lot from the activity. Im free a
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