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赢在单词必知:职称英语历年考试真题(词汇篇)1 abnormal = unusual 不正常的 02B 2 absurd = foolish = ridiculous 荒唐的;荒谬的;可笑的 07A,08A3 accelerate = speed up 加速;加快 04A4 accordingly = therefore 因此 03B5 accumulate = collect 积累的 08A,B6 adhere = follow 坚持;遵守 08A,09A7 advisable = wise 明智的 08A,B8 advocate = suggest 提倡 03B9 affect =influence 影响 08C10 aim = goal 目标;目的 09C11 alike = similar 相似的;相像的 06B12 alleviate = relieve 减轻;缓解;缓和 05A13 allocate = assign 分配;分给 02A,06A14 ample = enough 充分;充足 09A15 annually = every year 每年 04C 16 anyhow = anyway 总之 06B17 appraisal = evaluation 评价 05A18 around = round 在周围 05C19 arouse = awaken 叫醒 07C20 astonish = surprise 使吃惊 09C21 at stake = in danger 处于危险 04C,09C22 authentic = genuine 真的;真实的 09A23 award = give 颁发;授予07C24 ban = forbid 禁止 07C25 barren = bare 荒芜;光秃的 09A26 blend = mix 混合 04A,B,06A,B27 boring = dull 枯燥的;厌烦的03C28 branch = division 分支;分部05C29 break = beat 打破(记录等)06C,09B30 brief = short 短暂的 08B31 bright = = pleasant 欢快的;高兴的 02B32 but = only 仅仅02B 33 call = phone 打电话 03C,05B,C,09B34 capability = ability 能力;才能07B35 capacity = volume 容量;容积 03A,B36 carry out = implement 执行;贯彻;实行03C37 cater for = meet 满足 02A38 cease = stop 停止;终止 04C39 celebrity = star 名人 07A40 census = count (人口)普查 06A41 certain = sure 肯定的;毫无疑问的 03C42 cheerful = happy 高兴的 09B43 close = near 接近的 06B44 complete = finish 完成;结束 04C,08C45 complicated = complex 复杂的 05A46 concise = brief 简明的;简要的 03A47 conduct = behavior 行为;表现 02C,03C48 confess = admit 坦白;承认 02C49 consolidate = strengthen 加强;使巩固 05A50 consume = use 消费;花费 03A,B,08B51 contaminate = pollute 污染 02A,04A,08A52 content = satisfy 使满意 04B 53 conversation = talk 会话;谈话 09B54 convert = change 更改;改变 02B,C55 conviction = belief 确信;信服 03B,C56 crazy = mad 疯狂的 02C,06C57 cultivate = develop培养 02B58 deal with = cope with 对付;处理 02C59 debate = discuss 辩论;讨论 03A,B60 deduce = derive 推断出;得出 02A61 defect = fault 缺陷;缺点 05A62 defer = postpone 推迟;延迟 06A63 deliberately =intentionally 故意的;有意的02B64 depict = describe 描写;描绘06A,08A65 derive from = stem from 起源 07B66 detect = notice 发觉;察觉 03C67 diligent = hard working 勤奋的 06B,09B68 dim = darkish 微暗的 04A69 discriminate = distinguish 区分;区别 07A70 dismiss = fire 解雇 06C71 distress = danger 不幸;危难 02B72 diverse = varied 不同的 08B73 dull = boring 枯燥的;无味的 07C,08C74 duplicate = copy 复写;复制 09A75 durable =long-lasting 耐久的 04A,B76 dwell = live 居住 07A77 elevate = promote 提升 06A78 eligible = qualified 有资格的 06A,08A79 enormous = immense 巨大的;极大的 04C80 eternal = everlasting 永久的 09A81 eventually = finally 最后;最终 08C82 evidently = obviously 明显的 03C83 exhaustive = very thorough 彻底的;完全的 02A84 exhibit = show = display 显示 04A,B,09B85 exist = live = survive 生存 05C86 expired = die 去世 04A,B87 explore = investigate 调查;研究 02C,03A88 extract = pull out = take out 拔出 02B,04A,B89 fascinating = attractive 迷人的 02A,08B90 find fault with = criticize 抱怨;找茬 02C91 fire = dismiss 解雇 04C92 firm = company 公司 04C93 fluctuate = change 变动 02A94 follow = understand 理解 03B,C,05B,C95 foster = promote 促进 07C96 fury = anger 暴怒 09B97 gap = gulf 裂口;缺口 07C98 gauge = assess = measure 测量;测定 02A,04A,07A99 gaze = stare 盯04A,B100 get up = rise 起床 05C101 give up = quit = drop 放弃 08B102 glad = happy 高兴06B103 glorious = magnificent 辉煌的 04C104 goal = aim 目标;目的 06B105 gorgeous = beautiful 漂亮的07B = lovely 好极了 08B106 graceful = pleasing 优美的;优雅的 02B107 grateful = thankful 感谢的 07C108 hazardous = dangerous 危险的;有害的 04A109 heap = pile 一堆 07B110 highly = very 非常;很 04C,06C,07C111 horrify = terrify 使恐怖;使惊吓 07A,B112 immense = enormous 巨大的 05A,B,08A,B113 impact = influence 影响 03B,C114 in short = in a word 总之 03C115 in the end = ultimately 最终;终于05A116 inadequate = insufficient 不充足的;不充分的 07A117 insufficient = inadequate 不充足的;不充分的 05A118 intelligent = clever 聪明的;明智的 06B119 intimately = close 亲密的 03A,B,06B120 irritate = annoy 使恼火 02A,02B,05B,09A121 lately = recently 最近;近来 04B,C122 lawful = legal 合法的 05B123 lay down = state 规定 03A124 let = rent 出租 02AB125 liable = likely 可能的 07B126 limited = small 有限的;小的 03C127 look for = try to find 寻找 05C128 lots of = many 许多 05C129 lure = temptation 吸引人的东西或诱惑物 05B,09A130 magnificent = splendid 壮丽的 09C131 make up ones mind = decide 决定;下定决心 05C132 manual = physical 体力的 03B,C133 manufacture = produce 生产 03C134 marvel = miracle 奇迹 09A135 massive = extensive 大量的;大规模的 02A,09C136 mend = repair 修补 05B,C137 merge = combine 合并;结合 02B138 mildly = gently 温柔的;温和的 06B139 miraculous = amazing 令人惊叹的 06A140 modify = change 修改;变更 04A,B,06A,B141 motive = reason 动机;理由 05A,B142 notably = remarkably 值得注意的;显著的 04A,B143 obscure = unclear = vague 模糊的 05B,08A144 obvious = clear 明显的 02C,05B,C145 occur = happen 发生 04C,08C146 out look = view 景色 03B147 outcome = result 后果;结果03B,C148 particulars = details 细节;详情 04B,C149 perish = di
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