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Hide And SeekL: Where is Cat? Hi, Cat, where were you?C: Hiding.L: Thats a good idea. Lets play hide and seek.H: Yeah, an excellent idea.O: I was about to suggest it myself.D: Can I be the one who looks this time ? Can I? can I? I never get to look. Can I? Can I?O: Duck is right, you know.L: OK.C: This should be interesting.D: I am the seeker. I am the seeker.L: Oh, Duck!D: Me!L: Duck, Duck! Lets start.D: Oh, yeah, we are starting, We are starting. How do we start again?H: You have to close your eyes so we can hide.O: And dont forget to turn around and count to ten.D: Turn around and.L: And no peeking.D: And no peeking.D: OK, eyes closed, turn around, and what?L: Start counting.D: Oh, right. One, two, three, five, six. Oh, my, didnt I already say six, but I dont remember saying four yet. Id better go back to four. Four.L: Look, Hen. Its just about your size.D: Five, six.O: Youll get stuck.L: No, I wont.O: Let me try.H: No, its just my size.H: All the best spots are taken.L: Youd better hurry, Hen.D: Seven, eight, one. No, I dont think I mean one. Take that back. Nine, yes, nine and ten. Oh, now what?All: Start seeking. Yeah, seeking. Ready or not, here I come.L: Whats taking so long? Maybe Ill never be found.D: Hello, anyone there? I see you whoever you are. Little Bear, I found you.L: No, Duck. I found you. What are you doing?D: Im seeking, of course.L: Have you found anyone yet?D: Well, not yet. Oh! But I found Frog. I found you Frog.F: You can not find what isnt lost.L: I guess Frogs not in the mood to play.D: It is very hard to find your friends when they are hiding from you.L: Come on, well find them. L: Look, Duck.D: Footprints. I see my footprints.L: Maybe, Hens been here.D: Oh, you are right. Hen tracks. And they go round, and round, and round. And they go round, and round, and round, and round, and. Hen! I found you Hen.H: Oh My, looks like Ive finally found.D: Lets find Owl now.L: He must have found a good hiding spot.D: Did you hear something?H: It sounds like its coming.L: From over there.D: We see you Owl. We see you.O: I wasnt asleep by the way. That was to fool you.All: Ha.D: Oh, look, we are all found. Next time I think maybe I want to hide too.L: But right now, I have to look for something else.D: Oh, you do?L: My lunch. Goodbye!L: Mother Bear, I found you.MB: No, I found you.
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