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2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 填空题This afternoon were meeting with(1) E.U. environmental official and some Australian specialists to talk about how to(2) groundwater pollution in the Tianjin area.【答案】1.an2.prevent【解析】1.语法题。考查不定冠词。第一个空格后的“official官员”为单数知第一个空格应填一个不定冠词a 或an,再由EU的发音“,i: ju:中第一个字母为元音发音知第一个空应填“an”。2.语义题。句意: 探讨天津地区地下水污染防治对策2. 单选题Her advisor persuaded her to remain at Nanjing University to do her doctorate, but she decided to apply to the postgraduate division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences instead.问题1选项A.persuadedB.to do her doctorateC.apply toD.of the Chinese Academy of Sciences instead.E.没有问题【答案】C【解析】固定短语误用。apply to改为apply for。 apply to适用于,应用于。apply for 申请,请求。题干意思事 申请中国科学院的研究生”,故需要改为apply for。3. 单选题As the article points out, one of the things that limit the appeal of this years new TV shows most damaginglv is that they lack of innovation.问题1选项A.points outB.limit the appeal of this yearsC.new TV shows most damaginglvD.they lack of innovation.E.没有问题【答案】D【解析】介词误用。去掉of。动词lack表示“缺乏“的意思时为及物动词。4. 单选题Since the data from the experiments are not easy to be analysed, it will be several weeks before we know whether we are free to proceed with the second part of our research program.问题1选项A.fromB.are not easyC.to be analysedD.free to proceed with【答案】B【解析】语法错误。主谓不一致。are改成is。主语the data为单数,故系动词应该用is。5. 单选题1 Etienne Klein, a celebrated French physicist and popularizer of science, seems set to lose his post as president of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (IHEST) in Paris after allegations that he plagiarized the work of more than a dozen scientists, philosophers and writers in various books and articles. A source at Frances Ministry of Science and Education yesterday confirmed that a decree ending Kleins tenure has been signed by the current minister and is now awaiting the signature of French President Francois Hollande.2 But Klein says he refuses to leave. In an open letter published last week, he wrote that an investigative panel that looked into the matter has found no evidence of misconduct and that he sees no reason to step down. “My scientific integrity is absolute,” Klein wrote to science journalists in an email. The report has not been made public.3 Klein leads a small group studying science itself at the Alternative Energies and Atomic fame Energy Commission(CEA) near Paris, but seldom publishes in the scientific literature; his fame stems from books and articles in popular magazines, mostly about physics. He also hosts a weekly radio show about science. President Hollande appointed Klein president of IHESTwhich seeks to build trust in science and to reflect on its social economic and political aspectsin September 2016.4 In November, the weekly magazine L Express reported that Klein had copied passages from French and foreign authors in a recent biography of Albert Einstein and in several other publications. Klein defended some of the instances but admitted he had made “mistakes” in others; a few days later, L Express published seven more examples of alleged plagiarism, to which Klein has not responded.5 CEA has not investigated the matter. A spokesperson says Klein wrote the disputed publications on his own time, not as a CEA researcher. “This is a private matter,” the spokesperson says. This is why government officials asked an independent four-member panel to investigate the charges. The commission finished its work in late January, but when it presented its report to the government, nothing happened for almost 2 months. Then Klein published his open letter on 29 March.6 In the letter, he quoted a few paragraphs from the report in which the commission said it had not found ethical breaches in Kleins work for CEA and that it was neither “competent” nor tasked to judge whether Klein committed plagiarism in the legal sense. Nonetheless, the commission recommended that he step down from IHEST, Klein wrote, “so as not to cause difficulties for the institute and its important missions.” Klein says he has no intention of doing so. “I dont want to be judged by the press, but according to the criteria of French law,” he wrote in an email.7 The leader of the four-member panel says he cant discuss the report; he says he hopes it will be made public by the authorities. But he confirms that the panel did not consider the issue of whether Kleins reuse of other writers words broke any laws. “Klein came to the commission with his lawyer,” he says, “were not judges, were not the police, were just four academics.”8 Klein says that his book about Einstein contains more than 120 attributed quotes as well, which “proves that I have no problem with quoting someone. What I am being blamed for is due to carelessness or negligence, especially in my file management, not to a conscious desir
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