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改写句子(一): 否定句,一般疑问句1. He read an interesting story yesterday. (否定句)He _ _ an interesting yesterday.2. They have already been to Hong Kong. (一般疑问句)_ they been to Hong Kong _ ?3. Both of them live in Shanghai. (否定句)_ of them _ in Shanghai.4. Both Tom and Alice have sports every day. (否定句)Neither Tom_ Alice _ sports every day.5. You had better leave now. (否定句)You had _ _ leave now.6.MymotherboughtsomehamburgersinaKFCrestaurantyesterday.(否定句)Mymother_anyhamburgersinaKFCrestaurantyesterday.7.Myfriendknewsomethingaboutthecaraccident.(否定句)Myfriend_know_aboutthecaraccident.8.Tomhasexerciseeverymorning.(一般疑问句)_Tom_exerciseeverymorning?9.Bobdoeshishomeworkbeforesupper.(否定句)Bob_hishomeworkbeforesupper.10.Jackusedtoswiminrivers.(一般疑问句)_Jack_toswiminrivers?11.Ithinkyoursuggestionisthebest.(否定句)I_yoursuggestionisthebest.12. Wehavegotsomebooksaboutchemistryalready.(否定句)We_gotanybooksaboutchemistry_.13.MrsGreenteachesthemchemistry.(否定句)MrsGreen_themchemistry.14.EveryMondaymorningMrJohnsonhasameeting.(否定句)MrJohnson_ _ameetingeveryMondaymorning.15.BothmysisterandIlikethesongsbyS.H.E.(否定句)_mysisternorI_thesongsbyS.H.E.16.Connie told us some good news yesterday. (否定句)Connie _ _ us _ good news yesterday.17 Doctor Watson watched Professor Brown from a hotel window on January 10th(一般疑问句)) _ Doctor Watson _ Professor Brown from a hotel window on January 10th?18. Dave did his homework at home yesterday. (否定句) Dave _ _ his homework at home yesterday.19 Both Tom and Billy are interested in computer science. (否定句) _ Tom _ Billy _ interested in computer science.20 Mike has got some foreign coins. (否定句) Mike _ got _ foreign coins.21 Ben and Kitty usually do their homework carefully. (一般疑问句) _ Ben and Kitty usually_ their homework carefully?22 Peter had some beautiful Chinese stamps. (一般疑问句) _ Peter_any beautiful Chinese stamps?23. He seldom put heart into study. (反意疑问句) He seldom put heart into study, _ _?24.HehasneverbeentotheCapitalCinema.(反意疑问句)HehasneverbeentotheCapitalCinema,_?25.MarystayedathomealldaylastSaturday.(反意疑问句)MarystayedathomealldaylastSaturday,_?26.Thisbusinessmannevertakestheplanewhenhegoesabroad.(反意疑问句)Thisbusinessmannevertakestheplanewhenhegoesabroad,_?27.It seldom snows in Shanghai in winter now. (反意疑问句)It seldom snows in Shanghai in winter now, _ _?28.Jack can hardly speak French, _ _?(反意疑问句)29. Lets go and have a look, _ _ ?(反意疑问句)30 They had a discussion yesterday afternoon, _ _?(反意疑问句)
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