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Listening and Hearing 长春市第一外国语中学小学部 刘建伟 教学设计教学任务简述(Task): 通过歌曲复习交通工具的名称,学习交通工具的单词。通过设计任务型教学,进行情景交际。让学生在交际,儿歌中学习自然拼读法。 目标陈述(Objectives): 知识目标:四会单词:an aeroplane a bus a car a boat a drill a telephone三会单词: buses far bar plane airport ear boat coat goat celling phone in the sky on the river in the street . 能力目标:能够介绍交通工具,能够运用句型 What can you hear ? I can hear a bus.情感目标:能够通过描述介绍交通工具。让学生学会同自然拼读法拼读单词。重点难点说明(Focal points and difficulties): 重点:掌握交通工具的单词,及运用。难点:轻松应用句型。并且在相应情景里运用。教辅用品说明(Aids): 电脑 图片 实物 彩色笔教学过程:Pre-task preparation:Sing 通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,激起学生学习英语的兴趣。While-task procedureFree talkAsk and answer. What day is today? Is this your ruler? What colour is it?How do you go to school?I go to school by bus. 通过日常对话,复习上单元所学内容,并导入新课。 New words and new sentencesT: How many buses can you see?S: I can see two buses. Bus-busesI go to school by car. Car- far-bar.(开着car,向着star,路途far。)T: Where is the bus ?S: It is on the street.What eles in the street?Is the sun in the street?Look at the sky.What is in the sky ?The aeroplane is in the sky.aeroplane=airplane=plane airport What eles in the sky ?What is on the river ?The boat is on the river. Boat-coat-goat学习歌谣,通过歌谣练习字母的发音。使学生掌握自然拼读法。Play a game.Listen and guess. What can you hear ?I can hear a bus.I can hear a aeroplane.The sound is sharp. Guess what is it ?It is a drill.I can hear a telephone.Make sentence with drill.Telephone-cellphone.Post-task activityConsolidation and practicePlay a game .Listen and colour.Make a short dialogue with your friend.Then finish the exercise.拓展文化 世界环境日为每年的6月5日。联合国环境规划署每年6月5日选择一个成员国举行“世界环境日”纪念活动。世界环境日的意义在于提醒全世界注意地球状况和人类活动对环境的危害。要求联合国系统和各国政府在这一天开展各种活动来强调保护和改善人类环境的重要性。地球只有一个。 Homework基础:听录音,指读第6页课文,并背诵。把对话运用到生活情景中,可以和家长做交流。提高: How to save our earth? Draw and write your ideas.On Board Unit 2 Listening and hearingbus-buses What can you hear? I can hear acar-far-bar on the street boat-coat-goat aeroplane-plane in the skytelephone-cellphone drill-ill on the river
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