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坳 二 小 学 五 年 级 英 语 期 末考 试 题 听 力 部 分一. 听录音,选出你听到的词. ( 10%) ( )1.A quietly B loudly C carefully D slowly ( )2.A fire drill B have a fever.C line up D call 119 ( )3.A pick up B a pair of C shout for help D each other ( )4.A factory B ferry C highway D subway 学校_ 班级 姓名 ( )5.A same B either C slow D too ( )6.A write to B send email to C win a prize D read a book班级 姓名 ( )7. A inside B safe C outside D dangerous ( )8.A exciting B frightening C tiring D interesting ( )9.A hers B theirs C yours D ours ( )10.A spicy B comfortable C delicious D hate二.选出你听到的句子( 10%) ( )1.A You must talk quietly B.You mustntrun C.You mustnt eat or drink here ( )2.A You must put your rubbish in the bin B.You must line up at the desk C.You mustnt push ( )3.A I made lunch for him B.I gave him medicine C.I washed the dishes and hung up his clothes ( )4.A.Tim won a prize B. Pat made the beds C.Peter played table tennis ( )5A.There are 50 factories now B.There are 5 subways now C.There are 500 taxis now( )6.A.Pat played the piano B.Mike did his homework C.Peter wrote a letter to his aunt. ( )7A We should put the plants inside.B.Dont put pets outside C.You shouldnt stand near windows. ( )8.A.Do you find some money? B.Did you find any money? C.Are you find any money? s time for class B.Its time for school C.Its time for lunch ( )10.A We usually talk quietly in the library B.We usually talk loudly in the library C.We should be quiet in the library三.听录音,完成句子( 10%) ( )1.where are you going ? I am going to the _(A libray,B zoo) ( )2.We_( A.never B.usually)talk quietly at the museum. ( )3.We walk _( A.slowly .B quickly)at the beach. ( )4.We must listen to the teacher _(A.slowly B.carefully )in class. ( )5.Tom is a good student.He_(A.neverB.usually)goes to schoollate. 笔 试 部 分四.选择正确的中文( 10%) ( )1.listen carefully A.获奖 ( )2.win a prize B.横过街道 ( )3.stand near the windows C.仔细听 ( )4.cross the street D.发烧 ( )5.pick up E.站在窗户边 ( )6.have a fever F.检起( 拾起) ( )7.send emails to friends G.浏览互联网 ( )8.be read for H.为 做准备 ( )9.hang up clothes I给朋友发电子邮件 ( )10.surf the Internet J挂衣服 五.选择填空 ( 30%) ( )1.Must we come here at 8 tomorrow morning ? No,you_ . A cant B .must C. neednt ( )2.If we find a fire ,we must call_ A.119 B.120. C.911 ( )3.An old lady_an old bag yesterday A.drop B.dropped C.droped ( )4.Did you_an old mans arm to cross the street? A.take B.took C.takes ( )5.I made lunch_my parents yesterday. A.to B.for c. of( )6.I picked_a bag and gave it _my teacher A.up/to B.to /up C.for /to ( )7.Yesteday I _the dishes and _up my clothes A.washed/hang B.wash/hung C.washed /hung ( )8.We should talk _at the library A. loudly B.quietly C. quiet ( )9.Listen ! Mary is _in the house . A.shout B.shouting C.shouts ( )10.Where are you going ? We _ the zoo. A.go to B.are going C.are going to ( )11.Please do your homework by_ A.mysewlf B.yourself C.himself ( )12.A typhoon is near .It is very _ A.fun B.interesting C.dangerous ( )13.A:They closed windows and putplants inside. B:_ . A.so we do B.so we did C.so did we ( )14.He didnt close windows.He didnt put plants_ A.too B.also C.either ( )15.We are ready _class. A.of B.for C.to ( )16.Your feet are dirty.put _on the floor . A.it B.them C.they ( )17.Rice ,vegetable and fruit_all need rain A.is B.am C.are . ( )18.Last week we _a good time .A.have .B.has C.had ( )19.Please take_clothes away.A. ken and Tom ,B.Ken and Toms, C.Kens and Toms ( )20.I send _email_you last night. A.a/to B.an /to C.the /with六 完成对话 ( 1)(7%) Carl: Grandpa ( 1) _a headache yesterday. Dad: What did you do ? Carl: I made lunch ( 2) _him .Then I (3)_ him Medicine .After that , he (4) _to bed. I( 5 )_the dishes and (6)_ up his clothes.Then I read ( 7 )_ . ( )1.A . have B. has C. had ( )2.A. for B.to C.with ( )3A.gave B.give C.gives ( )4 A.goes B.we
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