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直 接 引 语 与 间 接 引 语肖潇直接引语(the Direct Speech): 直接引用别人所讲的话。直接引语通常放在引号内。间接引语(the Indirect Speech): 用自己的话转述别人所讲的话。间接引语一般构成宾语从句。Mr Wang said to me , “ I returned from Germany last night . ” Mr Wang told me that he had returned from Germany the night before . 直接引语变间接引语要注意: 1. 人称的变化。2. 时态的变化。3. 时间状语与地点状语的变化。4. 指示代词、方向动词、情态动词的变化。5. 语序的变化。6. 其他结构方面的变化。人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语、方向动词、情态动词 变化表直 接 引 语 间 接 引 语指 示 代 词this that these those时 间 状 语nowthentodaythat daytonightthat night this morning / week / month / year that morning / week / month / year ago before yesterday the day before yesterday afternoon the afternoon beforethe day before yesterday two days before last week / month / year the week / month / year before tomorrow the next day / the following day the day after tomorrow two days after / in two days time next week / month / year the next week / month / year 地 点 状 语here there 动 词come go bring take must must / had to 人 称 代 词第一人称与主句主语一致第二人称与主句宾语一致第三人称一般不变动 词 时 态 的 变 化直 接 引 语 间 接 引 语一般现在时(do/does , am/is , are)一般过去时(did , was , were)现在进行时(am/is/are doing)过去进行时(was/were doing)现在完成时(have/has been , have/has done)过去完成时(had been , had done)现在完成进行时(have/has been doing)过去完成进行时(had been doing)一般将来时(will)过去将来时(would)一般过去时(was/were, did)过去完成时(had been , had done)过去进行时(was / were doing)过去进行时(was / were doing) / 过去完成进行时过去完成时(had been / had done)过去完成时(had been / had done)一直接引语为陈述句: 间接引语用that引导。that 一般可省略。主句谓语动词为现在时,间接引语用原来的时态。主句谓语动词为过去时,间接引语用相应的过去时态。The girl says to her father , “ My brother doesnt want to share the toy with me . ” The girl tells her father that her brother doesnt want to share the toy with her . The teacher says to us , “ You all failed the exams last week . ” The teacher tells us that we all failed the exam last week . Mother says to me , “ I will buy you a gift for your birthday . ” Mother tells me that she will buy me a gift for my birthday . Mr Smith said , “ Our plane arrived half an hour ago . ” Mr Smith said that their plane had arrived half an hour before . The headmaster said , “ The new school year will begin tomorrow . ” The headmaster said that the new school year would begin the next day . She called to me , “ I am waiting for you at the restaurant . ” She called to me that she was waiting for me at the restaurant . 注意1: 直接引语是客观事实、科学真理、格言等,变间接引语时,时态不变。The teacher said , “ Light travels much faster than sound , boys and girls . ” The teacher told the boys and girls that light travels much faster than sound . 注意2: 直接引语中含有明确的过去时间状语时,变间接引语时,时态不变。She said to me , “ I was born in 1964 . ” She told me that she was born in 1964 . I said to her , “ The Beijing Olympic Games were held in 2008 . ” I told her that the Beijing Olympic Games were held in 2008 . 注意3: 直接引语中含有情态助动词,情态助动词没有过去式(ought to) 或已经是过去式(had better , used to , could , should , would , might),变间接引语时,时态不变。 John said , “ You had better finish your homework first today . ” John said that I had better finish my homework first that day . 注意4: 直接引语中含有must ,变间接引语时,must的变化,视其意义及句型而定。 He said to her , “ It must be very late . I must say good-bye to you . ” He told her that it must be very late , and that he must / had to say good-bye to her . ( “ Must I go back tomorrow ? ” Jane asked . Jane asked if he had to come back the next day .) 注意5: 直接引语含有某些假设句型时,变间接引语时,假设句型的时态不变。“ I suggest the meeting be held next Monday . ” Rose said . Rose suggested that the meeting be held the next Monday . The teacher said , “ It is time we had a rest . ” The teacher said it was time they had a rest . She said , “ Id rather you didnt make so much noise . ” She said that shed rather I didnt make so much noise . He said , “ If I had time , I would go to see you . ” He said that if he had time , he would come to see me . 二直接引语为一般疑问句: 间接引语用连词if/whether , 并用陈述句语序。时态等也作相应的变化 。 “ Do you want me to lend you a hand ? ” she said to me . She asked me if / whether I wanted her to lend me a hand . “ Will you go to the concert with me this evening ? ” Mary asked me . Mary asked me if / whether I would go to the concert with her that evening . . 三直接引语为反意疑问句,间接引语用连词whether / if 。 直接引语为选择疑问句,间接引语用连词whether or 。两者都并用陈述句语序。时态等也作相应的变化。 “ You attended their wedding last week , didnt you ? ” she asked me . She asked me if / whether I had attended their wedding the week before . “ You will be free next weekend , wont you ? ” she asked me . She asked me whether I would be free the next weekend or not . “ Do you like TV or movies ? ” Jack asked Jane . Jack asked Jane whether she liked TV or movies . “ Is she a doctor or a nurse ? ” said Mr White . Mr White asked whether she was a d
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