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吸血鬼日记 第三季 第一集Previously on The vampire diaries.吸血鬼日记前情提要Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜 她一定乐在其中吧Ive heard about you.我听说过你的事情The crazy, impulsive vampire.疯狂而又冲动的吸血鬼In love with his brothers girl.爱上了他弟弟的女人Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline.克劳斯是含有狼人血统的吸血鬼The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting.诅咒一直封印着他的狼人特性But if he breaks it,但如果诅咒被解开hell be a true hybrid.他就是真正的混血儿So thats what a werewolf bite looks like.原来狼人的咬伤是这样的Tyler Lockwood bit me.泰勒洛克伍德咬了我Well find something.我们会想出办法的A cure.能治好的A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire.吸血鬼被狼人咬一口立马死翘翘So dont be his friend. Do you understand me?别当他是朋友 你听懂没Promise me no one will find out about us.你得保证不让其他人发现我们的真面目Wheres Stefan?斯特凡呢He gave himself over to Klaus. To save his brother.为了救他哥哥 他把自己交给克劳斯了Just give me the cure, and Ill do whatever you want.只要给我解药 让我做什么都行You want your cure, there it is.你要找的解药 就是这个Your blood is the cure.你的血就是解药You should have met me in 1864.你应该在1864年遇到我You would have liked me.那你喜欢的就是我了I like you now.我现在就喜欢你You can embrace what you truly are.做回真正的自己Leave town with me and save your brothers life.和我一起离开 还能救你兄弟一命Thats the spirit.这就对了pos(193,232)田纳西州Rudy.鲁迪Rudy!鲁迪Come on.快回来Its too hot to make me come looking for you.让我去找你会热死我的I am so sorry.抱歉I didnt mean to scare you.没吓到你吧Can I help you?有什么事吗Yeah, my, uh, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back.是这样 我的车没油了 就停在几英里外I feel like Ive been walking forever.我觉得我走了好久Yours is the first house Id come to,你是我遇到的第一家so I was just hoping I could use your phone.我只想借用一下你的手机Dont you have a cell phone?你没有手机吗Heh. Yeah. Battery died.有 没电了Look, I promise Im not a serial killer.我保证我不是一个连环杀人犯I just want to use your phone.我只是想用一下你的手机Sure.当然可以So.I can come in?那 我可以进去吗No.不行Ill get the phone and Ill bring it out to you.我进去把手机拿出来给你I thought you country folk我还以为你们乡下人were supposed to be more trusting.会更容易信任别人Im from Florida.我来自佛罗里达Well, that explains it.难怪呢Now show me a little southern hospitality.那给我展示一下南方人的热情Sweet pea.甜豆I bet you a hundred dollars我赌一百美元that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning.小狗一定跑去一家有空调的屋子了Whats going on?发生什么事了Please dont be alarmed.不必害怕Im told Ray Sutton lives here.我听说雷萨顿住在这里Hes almost never here.他几乎从不来这里Hes on the road mostly.他总是到处奔波But I expect he makes it home.但我想他每月once a month.回一次家的Thats what I thought.我就猜到了Where is he now?那他现在在哪儿If I have to make you tell me,如果要我逼你说的话its going to be infinitely more painful for you.那你将会痛苦得多I love it when they run.我喜欢他们夺路而逃的样子Hes in Tulley.他在图利Its near the border.在边境处A bar called Southern Comfort. Its off highway 41.一个叫做南方甜酒的酒吧 在41公路旁Thank you, my love.谢了 亲爱的Now.那现在May my friend come in your home?我的朋友能进来吗Yes.可以Kill this one quickly.利落地杀了这个Make that one suffer.让那个受点折磨Ill be in the car.我在车里等你Please dont, please.别 求你了pos(190,268) 翻译:句号 super mango 阿拉蕾 忆. 孜然羊肉 默默 Albotpos(190,268) 校对: 草草 内丘 米小勒 时间轴:Remember Ghost 小猫爱卢小爽pos(190,268)后期:丢丢 监制: 米苏pos(231,195)an4第三季 第一集pos(131,175)an4日记pos(101,150)an4吸血鬼Ugh, early. Bad.哦 太早了 你真坏Its not early.不早了Youre late for work. Matt just called.你上班迟到了 马特刚刚来电话了Well, maybe theyll fire me.他们可能会解雇我Aim high.胸怀大志啊What are you doing?在做什么呢Just shopping for the party youre trying to bail out on.为你的生日派对购物呢 你别想溜I never said yes in the first place.我还没答应呢You were never going to,就知道你不会答应which is why I planned it anyway.所以我才自作主张And my mom wants you to call her.我妈让你打电话给她Did she find something?她查到什么了吗An animal attack in Memphis.孟菲斯发生了一起动物袭击案Its the third one this week in Tennessee.这已经是田纳西州这星期的第三起了And youre sure its a vampire?确定是吸血鬼干的吗Yes, but that doesnt mean that its Klaus.对 但也不一定就是克劳斯干的Doesnt mean its not. Ill call her.也难说不是 我会给你妈打电话的Well. Call her on her cell.直接打她手机吧Tell her, thank you for her help.替我跟她说谢谢All right, well, Ive got to go. Ill see you in a bit.好 我得挂了 回见Oh, Caroline, wait.卡罗琳 等等Just.Keep tonight small. Please.今晚的派对低调点Wear something pretty.穿漂亮点Hi.嗨Was that, uh, Stefan news?有斯特凡消息吗Could be more Klaus victims.有人死了 可能是克劳斯干的Youre certain Stefans still with him.你确定斯特凡还是跟他在一起吗Easy to be certain与其相信他已经死了when the alternative is that hes dead.我更希望他是跟克劳斯在一起Are you sure youre still ok on the couch?你睡沙发上没事吗Yeah, yeah. Im good.没事 挺好Because you spent half the summer on it.你半个夏天都睡在那儿If you need your own bedroom.如果你需要房间And sleep in your dead parents room那我是睡在你已故父母的房间or my dead girlfriends room.还是我已故女友的房间Right.好吧Hey, Elena.埃琳娜Happy birthday.生日快乐Thanks.谢谢We are out of champagne.我们香槟不够喝了
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