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Unit 11 Illness Lesson 1 My tummy hurts.课后练习一、单词默写。1.脸_ 2.手臂_3.手_ 4.手指_5.膝盖_ 6.腿_7.脚_ 8.胸_二、填空。1.foot的复数形式_2.child的复数形式_3.berry的复数形式_4.Uncle Booky can _you.(help)5._(open) your mouth, please.三、连词成句。1. sick very I am today (.)_2.am not I well today (.)_3.is he how today (?)_4.tummy her hurts (.)_四、读一读,圈出划线部分读音与其它两个不同的单词。1. A. cry B. why C. yard2. A. yo-yo B. why C. yogurt3. A. yam B. watch C. wallet4. A. girl B. orange C. giraffe 5. A. camera B. cat C. circle 五、根据问题选择合适的回答。( )1. How many fingers do you have?A. I have ten fingers.B. My finger hurts.( )2. How are you today?A. Im ten years old.B. Im better.( )3. How is he today?A. Hes better.B. No, hes not.( )4. Whats the matter? A. My tummy hurts.B. Im well.参考答案一、1.face 2.arm 3.hand 4.finger 5.knee 6.leg 7.foot 8.chest二、1.feet 2.children 3.berries 4.help 5.Open三、1. I am very sick today. 2.I am not well today. 3.How is he today? 4. Her tummy hurts.四、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C五、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A
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