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Unit 5Why do you like pandas?单元目标知识目标Section A重点单词panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,lion,giraffe,animal,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,scary,kind,Australia,south,Africa,pet,leg,cat,sleep重点短语want to do sth., South Africa, kind of, all day, a lot, black and white重点句子1.Lets see the pandas first.2Theyre my favorite animals.3Where are they from?4He can walk on two legs.5She sleeps all day,and her name is Lazy.6Because theyre really scary.7Well, because theyre kind of interesting.8Theyre really cool!Section B重点单词friendly,shy, save,symbol,flag,forget,place,water,danger,cut,down,tree,kill,ivory,over重点短语a symbol of, get lost,be in great danger,cut down, be made of重点句子1.I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.2The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.3This is a symbol of good luck.4Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.5They can also remember places with food and water.6But elephants are in great danger.7People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.8We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.语法目标掌握why和where引导的特殊疑问句和形容词的用法技能目标能用所学知识描述动物,表达喜好写作目标能够写与动物有关的文章情感目标培养学生关爱动物的情感和保护动物的意识第一课时Section A (1a2d)课时目标重点单词panda n熊猫zoo n动物园tiger n老虎elephant n大象koala n树袋熊;考拉lion n狮子giraffe n长颈鹿animal n动物cute adj.可爱的;机灵的lazy adj.懒散的;懒惰的smart adj.聪明的beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的scary adj.吓人的;恐怖的kind n种类Australia n澳大利亚south adj.南方的 n南;南方Africa n非洲pet n宠物leg n腿cat n猫sleep v& n睡觉重点短语want to do sth. 想做某事South Africa 南非kind of 有点all day 一整天重点句子1.Lets see the pandas first.咱们先看熊猫吧。2Theyre my favorite animals.它们是我最喜欢的动物。3Where are they from?它们来自哪里?4He can walk on two legs.他会用两条腿走路。5She sleeps all day.她整天睡觉教学难点学会表达喜欢某类动物及说明喜欢的原因;能听懂表达个人喜好的对话自主学习根据句意及音标提示写出单词及其汉语意思。1The pandas /pnds/ in the zoo are so cute. 熊猫2Theres a big elephant /elfnt/ under the tree. 大象3Do you like animals /nmlz/? 动物4You are really lazy /lez/. Get up now! 懒惰的5I have a smart /sma(r)t/ dog, and it is cute. 聪明的6How beautiful /bjutfl/ the flower is! 美丽的7Your father is sleeping /slip/. 睡觉教学过程环节1新课导入教师向学生展示四张与动物有关的图片,然后提出下列问题,学生思考并回答。T:What is this in the first picture?Ss:Its a panda!T:Do you like pandas?S1:Yes, I do.T:Why do you like pandas?S2:Because they are cute and smart.T:Do you like elephants/tigers/giraffes?.设计意图:通过图片吸引学生的眼球,让学生将注意力转移到课堂上;通过询问学生喜爱的动物及其原因,达到活跃课堂氛围的效果,从而自然地进入本课时的教学。环节2学习1a1c1教师先让学生朗读本课时的生词,并理解词义。2让学生仔细观察1a中的图片,并和同桌讨论图中有哪些动物,然后将图片上的动物与左边的动物名称匹配起来。3教师请学生起来回答每个动物所对应的名称是什么,然后指导学生订正答案。4教师播放1b的录音,学生根据所听内容,在1a中勾选出自己所听到的动物名称。教师邀请一名学生起来回答。5教师再次播放1b的录音,让学生模仿录音的语音语调小声跟读;学生在听的过程中,体会如何用英语表达对某种动物的喜爱。6让学生两人一组,朗读1c中的对话,然后结合1a中的图片和给出的单词提示,按照给出的对话形式编一则新对话,并进行对话训练。7教师邀请两组学生表演对话,其他学生给予点评。设计意图:通过1a的练习,可以培养学生的观察能力;从图片中尽可能多地获取有用信息;通过1b的听力练习,可以锻炼学生抓取录音内容中重要信息的能力;最后通过1c的对话练习,培养学生的口头表达能力。环节3学习2a2d1让学生先读题并浏览2a中的表格内容,理解2a的要求,然后让学生观察2a中的图片,预测即将听到的动物名称。2教师播放2a中的录音,学生验证自己的猜想是否正确,并将表格所缺信息补充完整。3学生浏览2b中的对话内容,然后教师再播放一遍录音。学生根据所听到的信息补全2b中的对话。4教师邀请四名学生说出2a和2b中的答案,并给予指导。5教师第三次播放录音,学生模仿录音的语音语调进行跟读。学生读错或读的不准确的地方教师要及时指出并纠正。6让学生两人一组,按照2c中的要求编一则对话,并进行对话训练。教师请两至三组学生当堂表演对话,并给予鼓励。7让学生先阅读2d中的对话,勾画出生词、重要的短语和句子。8教师播放2d的录音,让学生边听录音边逐句跟读,同时理解对话大意。随后教师讲解标记出的内容。9教师再次播放2d的录音,让学生大声跟读对话,然后和同桌分角色表演对话。教师邀请两组学生当堂展示。10教师可以给学生一些时间,让学生用英语讨论自己家里的宠物,描述该宠物的特点以及自己为什么喜欢它。11要点点拨。(1)Lets see the pandas first.此句是一个祈使句,表示提建议。其结构为:Lets do sth.让我们做某事吧。常用的肯定答语有“OK(好的)/All right(好吧)/Good idea(好主意)”等。否定答语可用“Sorry,I.(抱歉,我)”。例:Lets go shopping today!今天我们去购物吧!Good idea.好主意。(2)Because theyre very cute.because conj. 因为。用来解释原因,常用于回答why引导的特殊疑问句。例:Why do you like your pets?你为什么喜欢你的宠物?Because they are very smart.因为它们很聪明。cute adj.可爱的,机灵的。它既可作表语也可作定语。例:Pandas are very cute.熊猫非常可爱。Linda has a cute cat. 琳达有一只可爱的猫。(3)Well,because shes kind of boring.【辨析】kind of与a kind ofkind of 意为“有点儿,稍微”,用来修饰形容词。此时它可与a little互换。例:This work is kind of difficult for me. 这项工作对我来说有点儿难。a kind of 意为“一种”,用于修饰名词。例:Its a kind of smart phone. 这是一种智能手机。12学以致用。(单项选择)(1)Lets A and help Jim. He needs our help.OK.Ago Bto goCgoes Dgoing(2)We didnt enjoy the day C the weather was so bad.Awhy BsoCbecause Dfirst(3)That baby dog isD interesting. I like it very much.Alittle Ba kind ofCa kind Dkind of(4)My father is very busy. He always works D.Aall the day Ball daysCall a day Dall day(5)The koalas C cute.Akind of Bkinds ofCare kind of Dare kinds of设计意图:通过2a和2b的听力练习可以锻炼学生从听力材料中获取有用信息的能力;通过2c的对话讨论以及2d的分角色表演,可以锻炼学生的口头表达能力。板书设计Unit 5Why do you like pandas?Section A (1a2d)panda,zoo,animal,elephant,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,kind,Australia,sleep,want to do sth.,South Africa,kind of,all dayLets see the pandas first.Theyre my favorite animals.Where are they from?He can wa
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