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每日一句影视地道英语口语78brennan: there is some excellent hand-eye coordination here. this is an activity that could definitely be considered a sport. sweets: yeah, there”s an intense competitive edge, skill stamina. booth: for something to be a sport, there has to be some chance of injury. okay, guys? brennan: that man dressed in traditional stripes could be the ref. booth: not that kind of ref, okay? fbi. chris ballinger: what can i do for the fbi? booth: we”d like to ask you a few questions about steve rifton. chris ballinger: well, i”ve got a few myself. the guy just disappeared on me. we had a business deal and he left me high and dry. fbi, what, he wasn”t kidnapped, was he? booth: he”s dead, which is probably why he didn”t keep his business commitment. chris ballinger: he”s dead. man.【台词翻译】 brennan: 玩这个要很好的手眼协调力量吧。所以这个活动也应当算是运动咯。 sweets: 没错,这个嬉戏竞争性很强,也很讲究技巧。 booth: 要算是运动的话,总该有受伤可能性的吧。明白了么,伴计们? brennan: 那个穿传统条纹衫的应当就是裁判了咯。 booth: 不是那种裁判啦。fbi。 chris ballinger: fbi找我做啥? booth: 想要跟你问下steve rifton的事情。 chris ballinger: 哦,我都想要问咧。他就跟我人间蒸发了。我们还有生意合作呢,他到落我一个人孤立无援的。fbi都牵涉进来了,他不是被绑架了吧? booth: 他死了。所以就不能履行合作条约了。 chris ballinger: 他死了。天哪。 【口语讲解】high and dry 这是一个习语词组,表示“处于逆境、孤立无援”。为什么“又高又干”能够表示孤立无援的意思呢?其实这个词组原来是搁浅的意思,船只搁浅,还搁在海拔挺高,又没水的地面上,岂不是困难重重了?
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