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)英语泛读课程教学大纲一.课程说明1 英语泛读:本课程是英语专业中一种非常重要的语言教学活动,属英语专业实践技能类型,其目的在于通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料(包括涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面的名家作品),培养学生的英语泛读理解能力和提高学生的阅读速度;培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力;提高学生的阅读技能,包括细读、略读、查读等能力;扩大学生知识面,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,提高学生对名篇的分析和欣赏能力、逻辑思维和独立思考的能力,发展学生英语语言技能,并通过阅读训练帮助学生扩大词汇量、吸收语言和文化背景知识。阅读课教学应注重阅读理解能力和提高阅读速度并重。教材应选用题材广泛的阅读材料,以便向学生提供广泛的语言和文化素材,扩大学生的知识面,增强学生的英语语感和培养学生的阅读兴趣。2 课程英语名称:Extensive Reading3 教材名称:英语泛读教程4 教学对象:英语教育,翻译和商务英语专业一二年级学生5 开课学期:第一,二,三,四学期6 学分: 每学期1.5个学分7 教学时数:各个学期每周2节课。(第一学期16周,共32课时,第二,三,四学期各18周,各36课时)二学时分配表英语泛读教程第一册是根据高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲的要求,由高等教育出版社出版的全国专业英语教材,教材内容包括社会内容各个方面,有政治、经济、体育、文学和历史等;文体也多样,有记叙文、说明文、议论文等;文中配有大量的练习。内容如下:第一学期Unit 11. Text Little house in the big woods2. Reading Skills Previewing(1)3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading A wonderful presentUnit 21. Text Fools paradise2. Reading Skills Previewing(2)3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Sleep uglyUnit 31. Text Young William Shakespeare2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading The Best Playwright in EnglandUnit 41. Text Migratory Birds and Coffee2. Reading Skills Understanding the topic3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading InsectsUnit 51. Text Cheating2. Reading Skills Determining the main idea3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Stolen dayUnit 61. Text The call of the wild(1)2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading The call of the wild(2)Unit 71. Text Herry Ford2. Reading Skills Guessing meanings of words from context(1)3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Thomas EdisonUnit 81. Text Two boxes of gold(1)2. Reading Skills Guessing meanings of words from context(2)3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Two boxes of gold(2)Unit 91. Text Techniques that might smile upon Mona Lisa2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading Internet Chatty Network Unit 101. Text London2. Reading Skills Recognizing organization and seeing relationship(1)3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Great BritainUnit 111. Text The all-American slurp2. Reading Skills Recognizing organization and seeing relationship(2)3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading How do you do?Unit 121. Text On the wrong side of the global divide2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading Protect yourself against AIDSUnit 131. Text Miracle on Christmas Day2. Reading Skills Finding the point of view3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading “My babies are in that car!”Unit 141. Text The confidence game2. Reading Skills Guessing Meanings of words from word-formation3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading My way to successUnit 151. Text Starting over at 852. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading The divine Ms H英语泛读教程第二册是根据高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲的要求,由高等教育出版社出版的全国专业英语教材,教材内容包括社会内容各个方面,有政治、经济、体育、文学和历史等;文体也多样,有记叙文、说明文、议论文等;文中配有大量的练习。内容如下:第二学期Unit 11. Text The shadowland of dreams2. Reading Skills Using the dictionary3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Help yourself through the hard timesUnit 21. Text A very special goose2. Reading Skills Dealing with synonyms and antonyms3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Happy accidentsUnit 31. Text Recycling2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading Legislative control waste in BritainUnit 41. Text The lady on Pemberton Street2. Reading Skills Dealing with homonyms3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Its our world, too!Unit 51. Text A mothers place2. Reading Skills Skimming3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading To grandmothers house we goUnit 61. Text Fathers & Sons: the bonding process2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading My fathers musicUnit 71. Text Numbers and omens2. Reading Skills Scanning3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Red envelopes: its the thought that countsUnit 81. Text Getting enough sleep? Dream on2. Reading Skills Choosing reading speeds3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Three hours to save your lifeUnit 91. Text The beauty and the yak2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading A new future for DorahUnit 101. Text Ancient Olympic Games2. Reading Skills Facts and opinions3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading Modern Olympic GamesUnit 111. Text The rocking-horse winner (1)2. Reading Skills Making inferences3. Testing Fast reading4. Home reading The rocking-horse winner (2)Unit 121. Text Social critic with verve2. Testing Fast reading3. Home reading
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