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会议记录英文范文会议记录是指在会议过程中,由记录人员把会议的组织情况和具体内容记录下来,就形成了会议记录。英语会议记录要怎么写?本文是学习啦小编整理的会议记录英文范文, 希望能帮到你。会议记录英文范文1 Meet ing recordProject n ame: talk about the PowerPo intDate of meeti ng: May 18,012Minu tes prepared by: Zhang Huizhua nCharge time to:0 mi nu tes1. Purpose of the meeti ngMake the PowerPoi nt for the topic of bus in essresults, and definite the role of the whole presentation.Atte ndance at meeti ngZhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun ZhenPeipei Che n Na Liu Dan Niu Pu.Meet ing age ndas order of giv ing the(1) Talk about the memberprese ntati on(2) Definite the part of every memberthe timeRehearse the prese ntati on and control全新公文1 / 7and order of the whole prese ntati on.Meeti ng no tes, decisi on, issuesEvery one has her task.Give the prefect logo of the compa ny;Zha ng Huizhua n are the first spokeswoma n,who isprepared for the first part of in troducti on,Niu Pu will in troduce the compa ny;Qiu Min and other three members give a small talk; Li Yajunshows the product and Chen Na shows thesales chart.Group : dream sky会议记录英文范文 2 Meeting recordProject n ame: make the report Date ofmeet ing: May 13,012Minu tes prepared by: Zhang Huizhua nCharge time to:0 mi nu tes1. Purpose of the meeti ngFinish the topic of bus in ess results and givethe report.Atte ndance at meeti ngZhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun ZhenPeipei Che n Na Liu Dan Niu Pu2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程扌指导写作 -独冢原创2 / 7.Meet ing age nda(1) Definite the responsibility of every member(2) Talk about how to write the report(3) Make the report to the whole one.Meeti ng no tes, decisi on, issuesNiu Pu is in charge for the introduction;Che nNa and Li Yajun is in charge forananl ysisthechart for sales and marke t;The others of the group are resp on sible for thetalk about how to describe the bus in ess resultsZhang Huizhua n makes thecon clusi on; givethechart for the topic and the whole order of the report.Group: dream sky会议记录英文范文3 COMPANYMeeti ng of the Board of Directors to be held onWed nesday, April,00at 10:1A.M. in the The Compa nyBoardroomAGENDA1. Apologies for abse nee.Minutes of the meetings held on March,009. Points arisingfrom minu tes as read.Report by the Chairma n( a copy of the report is2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程文指导写作 -独冢原创3 / 7attached to this age nda). Resoluti on or Moti on.Date of n ext meet ing.To tran sact any other bus in ess that may comebefore the meeti ngMinu tes of the mon thly meet ingof a board of directorsMinu tesof the Board of Directors of the XYZCompa ny held on Wedn esday, april3,009, at 10:1A.M. in thecompa ny boardroom. Chairma n Joh n Brow n presided.PRESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak(George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), DianaBrooki ng(Washi ngto n),Adam Burli ng(ACRL), JackieByrd (In dia na),Jared In gersoll(Columbia),SandraLevy (Chicago),Dan Penn ell(Pittsburgh),Janice Pilch(Illi no is), Emily Ray (Y ale), Kay Sinn ema (Library ofCon gress), Andy Spe ncer (Wisc onsin), David Woodruff(Getty Research In stitute).APOLOGIES: Apologies for abse nee were received fromRina Dolli nger and Alfred Kessel.MINUTES: The mi nutes of the March,009, meeti ngwere read by the secretary and approved.REPORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman reported that he had met Mr.Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ s interests in computer software developme nt and the services Mr. Rose nberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in developing these interests.2016全新精品资料全新公文范文独全原指导写作For the in formati on of the Chairma n,Mr.Rose nbergoutl inedthe growth of the softwarein dustry from thetime he laun chedABCSoftwareCompa nyin 198until today.REPORT BY GENERAL MANAGER:detailed discussi onsThomas Kilroy summarized hiswith Jay Jeffers on, Chief Executive Officer of Huds onAudiovisualProducti ons(“ Hudson ” )and BZN sinterests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual in structi onal materials in the Un ited States, Can ada, the Un ited Kin gdom, and other countries of the European Union has been a majoreducationaltrend and hashad phenomenal growth.trend that educatorsinNorth Americaand WesternEurope predicting is likely to continue.Si nee there are many ways thatHudson can help BZNdevelop an intern ati onal audiovisual program for usein En glish-speak ing of other parts thecoun triesworld, Mr.and withtran slati onforKilroymade the follow ingproposal, sec on ded by Nichols Rain es, to authorize a2016全新精品资料全新公文范文独全原指导写作feasibility study to cover the following:a) Theprese nteducati onalaudiovisualmarketplace in the Un ited States,Can ada,and theUn ited Kin gdom, anditspote ntialfor expa nsion. b) Prese ntcompa niesoperati ng in this marketplace and their share.c) Growth patter ns ofdiffere nttype
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