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英语重点词汇语法详解abundantabundant/ bndnt; bndnt/ adj.(1)more than enough; plentiful丰富的; 充裕的:an abundant supply of fruit 水果的充足供应* We have abundant proof of his guilt. 我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。(2) 作表语abundant insth: having plenty of sth; rich in sth 富有某事物; 富于某事物:a land abundant in minerals 矿产丰富的土地【近义词】plentiful/ plentfl; plntfl/ adj.in large quantities or numbers; abundant大量的; 丰富的:find plentiful supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables 得到大量新鲜水果和蔬菜的供应* Eggs are plentiful at the moment. 现在鸡蛋很多。ample/ mpl; mpl/ adj.(1)(more than) enough足够的:ample time to get to the station 到车站时间充足* A small piece of cake will be ample, thank you. 一小块蛋糕就足够了, 谢谢你。* 5 will be ample for my needs. 5英镑就足够我用的了。(2)abundant; plentiful充足的; 富裕的:a man of ample strength 力气大的人* The director of the company receives an ample salary. 公司的董事薪水很高。(3)large in size; spacious; extensive大的; 宽敞的; 广泛的:an ample bosom 开阔的心胸* Theres ample room for the children on the back seat. 後座很宽敞足容得下孩子们。* The election was given ample coverage on TV. 电视上对选举作了广泛的报道。【固定搭配和习语】abundant inabundant in: having a great quantity of;having more than enough大量的;丰富的*China covers a vast territory andis abundant in natural resources中国地域辽阔,自然资源丰富。*The ocean floor near the continentsis abundant in mineral and oil deposits靠近大陆的海底矿藏和石油藏量丰富。plentiful supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables 大量新鲜水果和蔬菜的供应an ample salary 薪水很高an ample bosom 开阔的心胸ample coverage 广泛的报道absurd/ bsd; bsd/ adj.(1)unreasonable; not sensible不合理的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的:What an absurd suggestion! 多麽荒唐的建议!* It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing. 你竟提出这种事, 真荒唐。(2)foolish in a funny way; ridiculous愚蠢得可笑的; 怪诞不经的:That uniform makes them look absurd. 他们穿着那种制服看起来怪。【近义词】ridiculous/ rdkjuls; rdkjls/ adj.deserving to be laughed at; absurd可笑的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的:You look ridiculous in those tight jeans. 你穿上那紧身牛仔裤样子真可笑。* What a ridiculous idea! 多么荒谬的念头!【固定搭配和习语】absurd world 荒谬世界sounding absurd 听上去很荒谬an absurd suggestion 荒谬的建议an absurd claim 不合理的要求an absurd question 可笑的问题an absurd man 愚蠢的男人(idiom 习语)from the sublime to the ridiculous:from sth. great, admirable, etc. to sth. trivial, absurd, etc. 由极好转到极无聊的事物上(sublime / sblam; sblam/ adj. of the greatest, most admirable kind; causing awe and reverence 伟大的;崇高的; 令人赞叹的; 令人崇敬的)
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