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精品资料www.ks5u.comModule 6 第二课时.单词拼写1She passed away, but her _(形象)is still fresh in my mind.2His parents made many _(牺牲) to send him to a private school.3James was taken to hospital but died soon_(后来)4Do you have any_(观点)about what we should do now?5As a result of endless of religious clashes and wars, the Middle East is still in_(混乱)6She didnt have the_(勇气) to refuse.7. As the troops withdrew, the entire city celebrated the_(解放)8He saw her and_(后退),too shy to speak to her.9We will discuss our sale_(策略) this year.10They started a _(运动)against smoking.答案:1.image2.sacrifices3.afterwards4.views5.chaos6.courage7.liberation8.retreated9.strategy10campaign.短语填空1_ _ _,he was a thief.2The trip_ _a lot of happy memories.3They_ _ to perform the operation.4I _ _a magazine and looked through it.5A headline on the front page_ _ _the fuller story inside.答案:1.To my astonishment2.brought back3.set out4.picked up5.draws attention to.完成句子1I wish _(我年轻的时候有你们这样的机会)2If only _(他知道这病是可以治好的)! Then he would not have killed himself.3Would you like him to paint your door with yellow stars?Id rather he_(漆成蓝色的),and without any decorations.4Its high time that _(采取措施解决交通堵塞的问题)5Hugh usually talks as though he _(仿佛在大会上发表演说似的)6We insist that _(让杰克立刻进医院)7It was advised that _(设立更多的流动商店) in the residential area.8His proposal was that they _(成立一个专门委员会) to examine this problem.9We are going to discuss his suggestion that _(取消期中考试)10It is ridiculous that we _(缺水)in a country where it is always raining.答案:1.I had had your opportunities when I was young2.he had known this disease was curable3.painted it blue4.measures were taken to solve the problem of traffic jams5.were delivering a speech at a meeting6.Jack(should) be sent to hospital right now7.more mobile shops(should) be set up8.(should) set up a special board/committee9.the midterm exams(should) be canceled 10.(should) be short of water.阅读理解AThere is no place like homeas long as it is far enough away, it seems.Britain has become a nation of nomads(流浪者),with nearly half of us living more than 100 miles from the town or village where we grew up, research shows.The trend is being fuelled by the Internet, better communications and property wealth.People who move away fit into four separate categoriesSheep, Hens, Cows or Pigs. Sheep are people who change home for economic and emotional peace. Hens are home and environment careseekers. Cows are career or work shifters, while pigs are people caught up in grand parental support. It is far from the common believed idea of Coronation Streets, where closeknit generations of the same family live within a few streets of each other throughout their lives. Less than 20 percent of people now live in the town where they were born. Instead, young adults move away to find work, get married or seek adventure.Many use the Internet to work from a home which need not be within easy traveling distance of their workplace.Also joining the moving crowd are older people who either move to be near grandchildren or retire to new homes.One in ten of those who do make away makes a complete break, and now lives 500 miles or more from where they grew up.Women are likely to leave as men, a sign of independence that would not have excited in the 1950s and 1960s.People in the North East, NorthWest, Yorkshire and Scotland are the most likely to live in the community where they were born, the study found.1According to the research in the passage, British people tend to _.Abecome more independent whenever they graduate or grow upBlive or work far away from where they were born or grew upClive near their own homesDbecome more close to each other答案:B由第二段可知,英国人趋向于在离出生地很远的地方工作或生活。2Which of the following is NOT a reason for the trend mentioned in the text?AThe wide use of Internet.BImproved communications.CPeople becoming richer.DMore job opportunities.答案:D由第三段可知,导致这一趋势的原因有因特网的广泛应用、交流的促进和人民财富的增加,故选D项。3Who are NOT likely to move away from home?AOlder people. BWomen.CPeople in Scotland. DYoung people.答案:C由末段可知,苏格兰人是最不可能迁至远离家乡地方的。4Which of the following can be regarded as a Cow?AA person who changes job often.BA person who leaves home because of family troubles.CA person who retires to a new home.DA person who breaks away from his home.答案:A由第五段中的“Cows are career or work shifters”可知,经常换工作的人可归为此类。BSolar energy for y
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