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Chapter Nine: Insurance 课堂教学设计本章内容涉及到合同中保险条款的订立,是订立合同的一个重要环节,因此要求学生一定能够牢固掌握这部分知识,课堂可虚拟一个真实投保的情境,巩固要点并提高学生的应岗能力。 具体教学步骤Period One ( 45)I. Warming-up 5 minutes Import and export cargoes are subject to damage or loss incurred by a variety of risks in the course of transit, loading and unloading, storage, etc. Therefore goods traveling to another country must be insured against loss or damage at each stage of their journey, so that the parties concerned can be compensated after the damage or loss.II. Reviewing and checking. Comments on exercises. 10 minutesII. Teaching materials: 30 minutes(一)常用句型1. Its our usual practice to cover the goods against F.P.A. in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. 如果没有客户的特别指示,我们一般给货物投保平安险。2. Please cover insurance on this shipment against W.P.A. for amount of USD 25,000 with the PICC. 请向中国人民保险公司为这批货物投保金额为25,000美元的水渍险。3. We want to have the goods insured against all risks for 10% above the invoice value. 我们想按发票金额的110%给货物投保一切险。4. We can cover other additional risks, but the extra premium will be for the buyers account. 我们可以投保其他附加险,但是额外的保险费应由买方承担。5. What coverage can you provide for our consignment ? 你方可为我们的货物投保什么险? (二)海上货物保险常用保险条款及险别基本险平安险F.P.A (Free From Particular Average)水渍险W.P.A (With Particular Average)一切险All Risks附加险一 般 附加险偷窃,提货不着险T.P.N.D. (Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery)淡水雨淋险F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water &/or Rain Damage)短量险 (Risk of Shortage)混杂,玷污险 (Risk of Intermixture and Contamination)渗漏险 (Risk of Leakage)碰损,破碎险 (Risk of Clash and Breakage)钩损险 (Hook Damage)受潮受热险 (Damage Caused by Sweating and Heating)包装破裂险 (Breakage of Packing)串味险 (Risk of Odour)锈损险 (Risk of Rust)特别附加险交货不到险 (Failure to Delivery)进口关税险 (Import Duty Risk)舱面险 (On Deck Risk)拒收险 (Rejection Risk)黄曲霉素险 (Aflatoxin Risk)出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 (Fire Risk Extension Clause for Storage of Cargo at Destination Hongkong, including Kowloow or Macao)特殊附加险战争险 (War Risk)罢工险 (Strikes Risk)战争险的附加费用险 (Additional Expense- War Risk) (三)险别的选择 主 要 商 品投 保 险 别粮食、籽仁、豆类、花生仁、饲料等粮谷类 一切险或水渍险加保短量险和受潮受热险食用动、植物油水渍险加保短量险和玷污先险袋装,罐装,坛装等食品一切险或在平安险、水渍险基础上加保撞损、破碎险冷冻肉类或速冻食品冷藏货物险活牲畜、活禽、活鱼牲畜、活家禽死亡险各种饮料或酒一切险或在平安险、水渍险基础上加保撞损、破碎险,玻璃、陶瓷制品在平安险、水渍险基础上加保撞损、破碎险金、银、钻石、珠宝等首饰在平安险、水渍险基础上加保偷窃提货不着险金属条、板、管、块在平安险、水渍险基础上加保短量险矿石、矿砂、水泥等水渍险基础上加保短量险、包装破裂险纤维类(毛、棉、麻、丝、绸等)一切险家用电器和仪器、仪表、机床在平安险、水渍险基础上加保撞损、破碎险和偷窃提货不着险 (四)保险承担人Usually insurance is arranged by the exporter or the importer approaching an insurance company, which has a department specializing in cargo insurance. Who will effect insurance depends on the particular trade terms adopted. Under CIF terms, it is the seller who arranges insurance with an insurance company. Under the terms of FOB, CFR, etc., the buyer effects insurance, but he may ask the seller to arrange insurance on behalf of the buyer.Period Two ( 45) III. Ability Improving 25 minutes Ask the students to review all the terms and useful sentences in this chapter, then make some translation exercises to consolidate this content.IV. Summary 15 minutes Praise those who do a good job and give them some advices about how to grasp the content. IV. Homework: 5 minutes P105II P106 III V. Reflection after class Next time try to use more teaching methods.
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