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7A Unit7 Shopping 第一课时 Welcome to the unit(新授课) 主备人:耿成峰 审核人:卜玉 2013-11-26【教学目标】1. 会表述常见的商店名称:2. 能就购买礼物这一话题进行简单的会话。【教学重点】能就购买礼物这一话题进行简单的会话。【教学难点】就购买礼物这一话题熟练进行会话。【教学过程】一、课前预习导学(一) Different kinds of shops1.书店_ 2.服装店_ 3.花店_4.礼品店_ 5.鞋店_ 6.玩具店_7.体育用品商店_ 8.超市_ 9.大型购物中心_(二)短语1. 沿着这条街走有一个新建的大型购物中心。_2. 我讨厌购物。_ 3.我没有钱。_4. 好吧,这是我的钱包。_5. 我需要你拿所以得包。_6. 圣诞节就快到了。_ 7.给Simon买个礼物_8. 你有什么主意吗?_ 9.一张音乐光盘怎么样?_10. 我不太确定。_ 11.不用谢。_12.也许他对音乐不敢兴趣。_13.我知道他喜欢集邮。_14.这是个好主意。_二、课堂学习研讨Step1. Lead in I often buy birthday presents in a gift shop near my home. We can buy different things in different shops. Do you know what shops they are?Step2. 1. Learn the names of the shops a. Whats this shop? b. What can we buy there?2. Ask students to finish Part A.3. Listen to the tape and answer: What does Millie want to buy for Simon?4. Read the dialogue.5. I want to buy a present for *. Do you have any good ideas? Discuss in class, and tell me your ideas.6. Make up a new dialogue, and show it in class.Step3. Hobo is going shopping. What happened to them? 1. Listen and answer: Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go shopping with him?2. Explain some difficulties.3. Read and act it.Step4. Language points1. down 介词 沿着,向下 反义词:up (向上)沿着街道散步 _ 坐下_ 起立_2. need vt. need sb. to do sth 需要某人做某事 妹妹需要我每天帮她准备早饭。My sisiter _ me _ get breakfast ready for her.dont need to do sth. 不需要、没必要做某事我们没必要买太多零食。 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _.3. buy vt. buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物 get sb. sth. = get sth for sb. 为某人拿某物你妈妈为你买什么作为生日礼物?她为我买个蛋糕,一些书和其它的东西。_ _ your mother _ _ you _ the birthday _?She _ _a birthday cake, some books and _ _. Could you _(get) some drinks_ me? OK. give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看What about _(show) your new clothes _ us?选择:( ) I want to buy a present _my cousin and I must give it _ him tomorrow. A. from, for B. for, to C. to, with D. to, to4. maybe adv. “可能,大概” (位于句首) maybe+句子may “可能,也许” 情态动词,(位于句中)加动词原形也许他喜欢遛狗。 Maybe he loves walking his dog. = He _ _ walking his dog. He may be at home. = _ he_ at home. 可能他在下午5点前到家。He _ _ _before 5 p.m. =_ he _ _ before 5 p.m.5. interested adj. (人)对做某事感兴趣 be interested in sth/doing sth 你对跳舞感兴趣吗?_ you _ _ _?我们从不对抽烟感兴趣。We _ _ _ _ smoking. interesting adj. 有趣的 (一般指事物) 在新年时放烟花是很有趣的。 _ _ _ _ _ fireworks at the Spring Festival. 多么有趣的一本书啊!_ _ _ book!选择: ( ) Children are _ in _ stories.A. interesting, interesting B. interesting, interested C. interested, interesting D. interested, interested6. collect v. 收集 collect match boxes 收集火柴盒 集邮是我的爱好之一。 _ _ is one of my _.7. carry v. 搬运(重的物体)take 带走,拿走 take sth. there bring 拿来 bring sth. here 请把你的作业带到学校来。_ your homework _ school. 把这些书拿到图书馆去。_ these books _ the library. 帮他们把这些桌子搬到一楼。Help _ _ the desks to the _ _.8. Youre welcome 不客气。 Thank you.的答语还有: Thats OK. Thats all right. Not at all.三、反思与心得四、课堂检测填空:1. -Where is your English teacher? Is she in the classroom? -No. M_ she is in the office.2. The girl in red is very kind. She often c_ things for her grandfather.3. Its very _ to play “trick or treat”. We are all _ in it.(interest) 4. Would you like some noodles? No, thanks. I hate _(eat) them.5. _ you_(need)_(do) your homework first? Of course.6. He _(be not) interested in _( shop).7. My hobbies are _ _(集邮) and _(阅读).8. What do you think of my _(钱包)? Its so nice.9. 他也许生病了。He _ _ ill.= _ he _ ill.10 . 搬所有的东西_选择 ( )11. -Can you show the white trousers _me?OK.
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