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初一英语小组合作写作教学初一英语小组合作写作教学模式初探写作一直是学生学习英语的难点,但又是教师评价学生综合语言运用能力的重要方面。英语新课程标准指出,写作教学的目的是通过对学生激活灵感、激发兴趣、整理思路、组织素材、规划结构、遣词造句等基本技能的培养,使他们能表达事实、观点、情感和想象力,交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。新课程标准把写作要求提高到了一个更新更高的层面,更加突出对谋篇布局、遣词造句、情感表达的要求,注重强调学生的学习过程和方法。然而,当前许多教师(尤其是农村中学的教师)的英语作文教学模式通常是“布置写作任务学生个人写作教师独自批改学生背诵范文”。这样的英语作文教学,教师活动简单,学生单独写作,师生活动分离。教师在整个写作过程中既没有激发学生的兴趣,又没有传授写作方法。基础较好的学生大多都不会去注重构思和规划,提笔就写,尽管写了很多作文,但依然存在词汇贫乏、搭配不当、句型误用、语法不通、信息不全、条理紊乱以及谋篇布局不合理等问题,这样不仅难以写出好的作文,更不能培养良好的写作习惯,掌握好的写作方法。而基础稍差的学生,更是感觉“猫抓刺猬无从下手”。长此以往,学生对英语写作逐渐失去兴趣,教师也由于学生进步缓慢而对写作教学感到失望,结果出现了恶性循环。为了解决英语作文教学中的这一难题,帮助学生克服英语写作的畏难情绪,提高全体学生的写作水平和综合能力,笔者尝试了“小组合作式英语写作教学法”,即在英语写作教学中运用小组合作学习的方法,教师创设写作情境,引导学生在小组合作学习中通过讨论交流,共同完成作文,并相互批改,教师最后再稍作点评。小组合作讨论和交流,信息广、素材多,能开拓学生的思路,作文的构思和规划则集思广义、博采众长,使学生对将要写的题材和内容产生丰富的思维和记忆框架,他们再进行写作时就不会主体模糊、内容干涩。小组合作写作试图把写作教学的重点从写作成果转向写作方法和过程,突出学生主体,以生生互动、师生互动为取向,取得了较好的效果。下面是笔者在牛津英语7B Unit 3 Main Task的教学中指导学生写作的教学片段。T: We know there are a group of exchange students from Britain visiting Beijing, they are having a good time in Beijing. But its time for them to leave now, so Daniel and Simon are organizing a big farewell party for them, they want to invite parents, teachers and classmates to join in it. How to write the invitation letter? Can you give some advice? Next I will give you some minutes to discuss in groups how we can write this article. After discussing warmly for some minutes, some groups give their answers:G1: We must write when and where the party hold(holds).G2: We should write down what we can do in the party, so people are willing to come.G3: We think we need to tell people why we hold the party.G4: And we also show them how to get to the party.G5: We think we should write the article like a letter. (in the form of letters)When the students answer, I write them on the blackboard.When and where the party holds,what to do in the party, why we hold the party,how to get to the party, the form of the letterT: Good, all of you are very clever, and you say very well. And when we write something , we should put them in the right number, who can tell us which should be the first, the second,and so on.S1: the form of the letter Why we hold the party When and where the party holdsWhat to do in the partyHow to get to the partyT: OK, very good, you are wonderful. Next I want all of you to discuss again, this time you try to tell me the drills, the phrases and so on related to the points.(According to Page55)The groups discuss loudly, at the same time, some students are making notes.Five minutes later, they give the following phrases and drills.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard)The form of the letter: Dear (the beginning), Yours faithfully (the end)Why we hold the party: the exchange students, a farewell party, go back to Britain, we are friends,When and where the party holds: in Sunshine Park, On Saturday, 26th April, from 1p.m. to 6p.m.What to do in the party: Have a picnic, play different ball gamesHow to get to the party: (show the picture) take the underground to Exit A, turn left, walk along Great Times Street, walk across Autumn Street, cross Great Times Street, walk past the Bank of China building, walk across Winter Road.T: Very good, now lets look at the blackboard, we have made so many things to write the article. Can all of you write it ? Next, please write down your own article.有了如此多的材料,所有的学生都感觉有东西可写,都能去写,并且大多数学生能写出像模像样的文章,学生都说作文不难写。 写作能力的培养应包括写和改两方面。小组合作互评互改能增进有关作文信息的交流,促使学生在讨论中提高自己的写作水平。小组合作互评互改作文的具体做法是:1、教师改评,示范引导 为了指导学生批改作文,教师应先通览全班作文,以把握本次作文的共同性倾向。教师可以从不同层次选出一两篇具有代表性的学生习作,从词、句、篇等方面进行认真批改,恰当评价;然后将批改的作文投影或印发给学生,为学生互评互改提供范例。2、小组讨论,互评互改教师首先呈现并讲解本次作文训练的侧重点及批改原则;然后学生以小组为单位,围绕本次作文的要求逐项对习作进行讨论和批改。要求小组的每位成员都要把同学的作文认真阅读三遍:第一遍指出语言表达方面的问题;第二遍指出思想内容、篇章结构方面的问题;第三遍思考如何旁批、总评。学生自己相互批改的要求(以中考评分标准为依据):认真评改,不能马虎;先对作文进行总体分析,评价全文,写出总批,根据标准打出等级(或分数);分析文中写得好的地方或不足之处,署批阅者姓名及评改日期。同学们之间互相批阅,要求学生发现同学们之间的闪光点,互相学习,并且要给同学的作文下评语。评语一方面要写出比自己强的方面; 另一方面,要写出同学作文中的不足。例如,学生在作文评语中这样写道: (1)颇有小作家水平,字迹潦草。 (2)文采不错,但有点啰嗦,不够简明,注意卷面工整。 (3)你的字好beautiful。 (4)文中有几个短语用的很好,若能多用上这样好的短语和句子就更好了! 努力吧! (5)单词的拼写错误太多,要加油背单词了!3、教师检查,精点细评小组评改结束后,教师选出2-3组向全班介绍本组批改作文的基本情况、主要评价内容和修改意见。对于小组批改的每一篇作文,教师还需要仔细检查。老师的任务主要是浏览学生改好的句子,把写的比较好的句子摘抄下来,然后拿到班上与其他同学分享。另外,老师不但要发现学生作文中的闪光点,也要善于总结学生作文中的错误,把学生作文中出现的典型错误抄写下来,集中进行改正。对学生在批改中出现的错误或不足再进行必要的补充和评价。最后选出优秀的学生习作、正确评价意见进行展示和交流,实现更大范围的互动合作。在授完牛津英语7A Unit 1 的Main task -Write about yourself后,我让学生写一篇题为“My friend/ father/ cousin”的文章,并就一个学生的作文进行了点评。学生范文:My cousinPeter is my cousin. He is a China boy. He is eleven years old. He studys in No 2 Middle School. He is in Class 6, Grade Seven. He likes English very much. He is good at play basketball. He often plays basketball with I. He is polite and helpful. We are good friends.教师点评:本文结构规划合理。首先开篇点题,介绍自己的表弟,然后逐一介绍表弟的年龄、学校、班级、个人的兴趣和爱好及其个人品质。看完文章,我们就感觉到了这样一个人。文章的总体是完整的,我们再仔细分析一下,文章是否还存在瑕疵呢?经过一番讨论,同学们马上发现了文章不足之处是有几个语法上的错误,如:He is a China boy. (ChinaChinese)
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