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2022年11月商务英语(BEC)初级考试预测试题及答案Questions 8-1 2. Read this advertisement of a Canadian computer incorporation. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I on page 5 to fill each of the blanks. For each blank (8-12)mark one letter(A -I) on your Answer Sheet. Do not mark any letter twice. One answer has been given as an example.ASTS BRAVO FAMILYOur new and improved Bravo series of personal computers is designed to do calculations in a new way. . . . .example . . . . . .For example , the new Bravo MT has the same features of Intels very fast Pentium 60MHz microprocessor. Its all the power you need to run an entire workgroup or the latest graphics-intensive programs, and processes even the most complicated mathematical calculations five times faster than the DX2/66. . 8. Its perfect for the power user who demands high performance at an attractive price point.Also new from AST is our latest generation of Bravo LC desktops, a value line of energy efficient 486 personal computers. Our entire Bravo LC family ,while still affordable, has new muscle-Intel 486 microprocessors up to 100 MHz and a VESA Local Bus slot. Today, its fast, tomorrow it could be even faster, if you choose to raise it to Intels Pentium Over Drive processor. How about more performance in less space? The Bravo LP is a low profile 486 , loaded with award-winning engineering. . . 9 . . And the graphics RAM can be enlarged to ZMB for 64-bit processing.Our new Bravo NB notebook computers, recently named the number one of the 20 worlds top notebook computers ,are some of our best examples of the Bravo family. . .10 . . It is particularly ideal for small businesses ,home offices ,and mobile users.With Bravo , theres something for everyone. Including high value , performance , and the most responsive around the-clock phone support anywhere. . . 11 . .By the way ,our 486 Bravos are all approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. . 12. .For an AST reseller near you ,please call 800 876- 4 AST.Example: CA. Would you expect anything from the worlds fifth largest (and growing )personal computer company?B. In addition ,youll find .yourself in the enjoyment of free maintenance andtransportation.C. If you want speed, power, expandability, and dazzling graphics performance at a very affordable price, youll find it in our Bravo personal computers.D. The MT also comes with two AL-slots for graphic upgrades and installed windows-based software solutions.E. So , youll save energy , money ,and perhaps a few trees.F. For instance, innovative security features help you keep your most confidential work to yourself.G. As a result, you need a certificate issued by the Environment Protection Agency if you buy a personal computer.H. The Bravo NB4/33 is even thinner, lighter ,faster , and more affordable- using very little power with a longer battery life.I. Finally, the DX2/66 is inferior to our Bravo MT in speed, function andgraphics performance.参考答案:8. D 9. F 10. H 11. A 12. EPART FOURQuestions 21 -35. Read this advertisement. Choose the best word to fill each gap. For each question (21 35) mark one letter (A , B ,C ,D)on your Answer Sheet. One answer has been given as an example.Too much to read! Its impossible to find time to read todays top business books-and thousands are published each year. Yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious-and expensive mistake. Often the ideas and insights they _ example. . . . . are available nowhere else. But how can you even_21_ which titles are worthwhile-let alone find time to read them?Fortunately, theres a . . . . .22. . . . . : Soundview Executive Book Summaries. It really_ 23. . . . . In fact, its _ 24_ to work. It is ingenious and essential. Every month, you _ 25. . . . . two or three quick reading, time saving _26. . . . . of the best new business books. Each contains all the key points in the _ 27_ book. The big difference ,instead of 200 to 500 pages ,the summary is only the benefits to the customers are clear. They will also grow upin the near future ,allowing customers to choose from so many services.PART FIVEsection BQuestions 41-45. A student has translated a piece of news in a Chinese newspaper back into English and asked you to check it. In each line there is one wrong word. For each numbered line (41-45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.Example:They have selled their products in 20 countries. . .sold . .British farmers are troubled by straw. They produce more than41. ten millions tons every year as a byproduct of farming and42. their animals need only four million tons for bedding and fooding.43. Since E
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