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go前沿作品超酷的摇滚乐博物馆设计MVRDV and COBE合作作品复制链接wendy超级版主楼主发表于 3 天前|只看该作者|倒序浏览|打印本帖最后由 wendy 于 2011-10-7 21:24 编辑Architects MVRDV of Rotterdam and COBE of Copenhagen and Berlin have won a competition to design a rock-music museum at a former concrete factory in Roskilde, Denmark.来自鹿特丹的建筑师团队MVRDV 和来自哥本哈根与柏林的COBE赢得了一个设计摇滚乐博物馆的竞赛,设计地点在丹麦罗斯基勒的一个旧混凝土工厂。3 天前 上传下载附件 (47.57 KB)The ROCKmagneten project comprises the conversion of the factory halls plus three new structures to house the Danish Rock Museum, the headquarters of Roskilde Festival and their new Roskilde Festival Folkschool,incl. student housing.这个设计项目包括改造厂房空间,另外还有三个新建筑分别做为丹麦摇滚乐博物馆、著名的Roskilde Festival 总部和他们新的音乐学校(包括学生宿舍)。The museum will be clad in gold spikes while the black office block will be covered in speakers, to be used for outdoor events in the plaza below.博物馆包裹着一层金色铆钉壮的金属表皮,而黑色办公大楼则挂满了扬声器,当楼下的广场上有活动时则可以使用。The former factory site is currently occupied by musicians, artists and skaters and the company hopes to maintain this platform for informal creativity, with space around the site for temporary exhibitions, events and pavilions.旧工厂场地现在被一些音乐家、艺术家和溜冰者占用着,公司希望保留这个平台和周边的空地,做为举办临时展览、活动、观演的非正式创意空间。The first phase of construction is due for completion in 2014.第一期的建设预计在2014年完工。*资料来自外文网站,由E拓建筑网翻译,转载请注明出处。分享到:新浪微博腾讯微博QQ空间人人网豆瓣
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