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新概念英语单词第3册Lesson45:The power of the press新闻媒体的威力派生词】democratically民主地【单词例句】The company is run on democratic lines, and all the staff are involved in making decisions公司推行民主治理的方法,全部员工都参加决策。【单词搭配】a democratic govemment一个民主的政府 a democratic country一个民主的国家 restrict v.限制 【派生词】restriction限制,约束【单词例句】The trees restrict our vision.那些树限制了我们的视野。【单词扩大】circumscribe限制 straiten限制 abuse v.滥用 contention n.论点The pay raise is the key point of contention.加薪是争辩的焦点。【单词扩大】argument论点【单词搭配】a bone of contention争辩的缘由(或主题) quintuplet ”kwntj,plt; kwn”tjuplt 五胞胎之一 obscurity b”skjrt 悄悄无闻radically ”rdkl adv.彻底地,【单词例句】We lost the game radically after they goaled again随着他们再进一球,我们彻底输掉了竞赛。【单词扩大】thoroughly彻底地 exclusive k”sklusv; ek- 独占的,的 untold adj.数不尽的,无限的【单词扩大】limit 无穷的,无限的 limitless无限的【单词例句】They encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their destination.他们经受过数不尽的困难险阻才到达目的地。【单词搭配】untold misery巨大的苦痛 South Dakota 南达科他州(美国) perpetual p”petl; -tjl adj永久的【单词扩大】lasting永久的 abiding永久的【搭】perpetual complaint 没完没了的埋怨【单词例句】A: I”m tired of your perpetual nagging.A:我对你无休止的唠叨厌烦了。B: If you can do it better,I would stop doing that.B:假如你能做好点,我就不会那么做了。 nursery n.育婴室,保育室 commercialization n.商品化commodity k”mdt 商品【单词例句】A:Have you found any commodity you like?A:您找到想要的商品了吗?B: No,I thinkI need your help.B:还没有,我想我需要你的帮忙。
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