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小学英语口语:这是我的身体-Look,Jesse and Yiya.This is my toy bear. -看,伊亚、耶西,这是我的玩具熊。 -Oh!It”s so big! -噢!好大呀! -It has a big head! -他有一个大脑袋! -Yes.It has two big ears and small eyes,a big nose and a small mouth. -对。它有两只大耳朵、一对小眼睛,一只大鼻子还有一张小嘴。 -Look!It has two big hands and big feet. -看!它的手和脚也很大。 -It has long arms,but its legs are short. -它有长长的手臂,但是它的腿很短。 -Let”s play a game! -让我们玩个嬉戏吧! -OK! -好啊! -Point to your shoulders. -指指你们的肩膀。 -These are my shoulders. -这是我们的肩膀。 -Touch your knees. -碰碰你们的膝盖。 -These are our knees. -这是我们的膝盖。 -Touch your toes. -碰碰你们的脚趾。 -These are our toes. -这是我们的脚趾。 -Haha!You”re right! -哈哈!你们做对啦! -Let”s sing “If you”re happy“! -我们唱首“假如感到欢乐”歌吧! -One,two,three,four! -一、二、三、四! -If you”re happy and you know it,clap your hands. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就拍拍你的手。 -If you”re happy and you know it,clap your hands. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就拍拍你的手。 -If you”re happy and you know it,then you really ought to show it. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就应当表现出来。 -If you”re happy and you know it,clap your hands. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就拍拍你的手。 -If you”re happy and you know it,stamp your feet. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就跺跺你的脚。 -If you”re happy and you know it,stamp your feet. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就跺跺你的脚。 -If you”re happy and you know it,then you really ought to show it. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就应当表现出来。 -If you”re happy and you know it,stamp your feet. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就跺跺你的脚。 -If you”re happy and you know it,nod your head. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就点点你的头。 -If you”re happy and you know it,nod your head. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就点点你的头。 -If you”re happy and you know it,then you really ought to show it. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就应当表现出来。 -If you”re happy and you know it,nod your head. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就点点你的头。 -If you”re happy and you know it,pull your ears. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就拉拉你的耳朵。 -If you”re happy and you know it,pull your ears. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就拉拉你的耳朵。 -If you”re happy and you know it,then you really ought to show it. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就应当表现出来。 -If you”re happy and you know it,pull your ears. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,就拉拉你的耳朵。 -If you”re happy and you know it,do all four. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就做以上四个动作。 -If you”re happy and you know it,do all four. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就做以上四个动作。 -If you”re happy and you know it,then you really ought to show it. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就应当表现出来。 -If you”re happy and you know it,do all four. -假如你幸福,并且感觉到,那么就做以上四个动作。
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