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关于问候的1. Hello ,Tom, hello, How have you been? YEAH! what did you do in the morning? I went fishing 。 oh,but now ,what are you doing? I am going shopping。 me too lets go shopping! Ok2. 关于中西方文化差异的英文小对话(5分钟左右)(带汉语备注的) A: Excuse me, do you have time?B: Sorry, I dont have time.A: I am sorry, but you have your watch.B: I have a watch doesnt mean I have time.A: I mean what time is it nowB: Sorry. I thought you ask me for a date. Its 9:00 am.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome.(The story happened one day while I was on my way to school at the bus stop)A: Hi sir, do you have transformer here?B: You mean Transformer 2 or what? But, Madam, we dont sell CD here.A: No, sir, I mean an isolation transformer.B: Or, I thought you want to buy the CD called Transformer, I thought you want the movie.A: No.B: What do you want to use it for?A: For building a circuit, a Flyback converter circuit.B: But, I dont think we have it. How about the converter. We have it here.A: Thanks, but I need the isolation transformer to finish my circuit for our project.B: What project? Wo, let me go to the storage to find it for ya!A: (Waiting)B:(10 minites, going out with big transformer) Is this the one for your project?A: No. Our circuit is small, but the transformer is huge. It will not fit.B: I thought you are doing a big project for a company.A: No, no, no. I am going a small project for school.B: O, wait, please.B(turns to C): Do we have isolation transformer for small circuit?C: Yes, (then he found a small audio isolation transformer out).A: Thanks.(The story happened one of the electrical stores in U.S.A: a student of UWB and C: sale people of that electrical store.)3. Hello!”“Hi!”“Nice to meet you.”“NICE to meet you,too.”“I am glad to be friend with you.“Yeah,it is my pleasure.”“And what is your name?”“My name is Mary.”What about you?I am Liy.What is your favourite colour?Red is ok.I hope to get along well with you. No problem!Teacher is coming in,Lets go back!关于邀请的对话1.A:Good morning , Mr Smith B:Good morning ,peter.how are you? A:Fine ,Thanks .And you? B: Im fine ,too. A: Mr Smith , I was thinking that I might go to the movies this weekend. Do you want to go with me? B: Sure, that sounds good A: OK.Do you have a certain movie that you would like to see? B: Ive heard a lot of things about the movie “Australia.” If I picked you up at 7:00, would that be too early? A: I think that seven oclock will work out well. B: Perfect! Well, Ill see you at 7:00 on Friday, then! A:See you later B: See you.2.(拒绝)M:hello! F:hello!Long time no see! M:yes,i havent saw you for 3 years! F:oh,how about your life recently?Do you have time tonight?Shall we go to the restaurant and have a talk?I have a lot of things want to tell you! M:im so sorry,today is my fathers birthday.you know ,i cant go out tonight!but you can tell me your telphones number,ill call you in a week! F:ok!883.Jessy and Candy Candy: Hey, Jess. Have you had your dinner? Jessy: No. I just got back from work. Candy: Good. Do you want to have dinner with me? Jessy: Sure. Where are you going to have dinner? Candy: I plan to go to Dannys Restaurant which is one of my favourite restaurants. Jessy: Dannys Restaurant? Is it the two-storey restaurant which is newly open? Candy: Yes, exactly. I have tried the food before and it is delicious. Jessy: It is very popular and normally there arent many seats left if we dont book a table earlier. Are we too late to book a table now? Candy: It wont be a problem. Dannys Restaurant is open by Danny who is one of my friends and he normally will reserve a place for me. Jessy: Good. Please contact him to check if there are seats for us. Candy: Yes, of course. Please wait for a while. I shall call him now. Jessy: Yes, please. (After 3 minutes) Candy: I have already booked a table with 2 seats. The table is located at the second floor next to windows. We may have a good view of the garden. Jessy: Wow. its great. I have read a magazine stated that the garden is specially built next to Dannys Restaurant where the customers can enjoy the view while having meals. Candy: Yes. And the table next to the windows is my favourite place. I shall introduce you to my friend Danny later. Jessy: Sure, I cant wait to go to the restaurant and meet him. Lets go, Jess. Candy: Ok. 自创自写的,希望你会满意。4.这段对话的背景是这样的。在洛克夫妇接受了“哈尔及哈迪公司”代表提出的有关外包装颜色议题的建议之后,主人方面决定要好好地庆祝一下。哈维因此向洛克夫妇发出了邀请。 Harvey: Now. I have a surprise. Weve booked the Southern Tower restaurant to celebrate our partnership. 哈维: 我要给你们一个惊喜。为了庆祝我们之间的合作伙伴关系,我们预定了南塔餐厅。 Harvey: Wed like to invite you to dinner. 哈维: 我们邀请二位共进晚餐。 Lok: The Southern Tower? We tried to go there but its booked out for months. 洛克: 您是说南塔餐厅吗?我们曾经想去那里吃饭,但是那家餐厅的位子已经被提前预定出好几个月了。 Harvey: Ah yes but Douglas has a lot of influence in Sydney! Weve booked a table for 7 oclock.
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