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大学英语四级预测题1资料仅供参考Model Test 1Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to short essay entitled Should We Celebrate Western Festivals? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1. 现在越来越多的中国人开始庆祝西方的节日,如圣诞节、情人节等2. 有人认为这利于文化交流;有人则担心这会导致传统文化的丧失3. 在我看来PartII Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7.choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)andD).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Here comes the e-book revolutionAt what temperature do electronic books catch fire? Were going to find out sometime throbablyis year. E-book sales are about to ignite.On Monday, Amazon.com is expected to unveil a new version of its Kindle reader. It will probably be a lot better and a little cheaper than the first version. But the real news already broke this week: A company spokesman announced that Amazon plans to offer Kindle books on Cell Phones.This news countered Googles announcement that the 1.5 million public domain books available on its Google Book Search offering will soon be available (free,of course) via a new Cell Phone application.I believe that Cell Phones will quickly outpace the dedicated e-book readers, including the Kindles, as the platform of choice for e-book readers. Leading the pack? The iPhone,ironically.Its worth nothing that Amazon.com sold more Kindles (at least 500,000) in its first year of sales than Apple sold iPods in its first year (378,000).Apple may not understand the value of e-books, but iPhone users will embrace them anyway. The reason is simple:The iPhone has a huge, high-quality screen. And its user base includes millions of people who love to do everything on their iPhones, including reading, which theyre already doing with online content.I (and others) have predicting for some time that Apple will ship a killer tablet at some point. This device, I believe, will have the iPhone user interface and a super high-quality screen. It will be ideal for reading e-books as well.Why people will read e-booksJust because e-books are available on better (the new Kindle) and more (all Cell Phones) devices doesnt mean people will read them. But mark my words, read them they will. Six trends will conspire(共同促成) over the next year to drive e-book reading to levels that will surprise just about everybody.1. The economyThe economy is in the tank, and people are looking to cut costs any way they can. An Amazon Kindle pays for itself after the purchase of 20 or 30 books, then starts paying dividends. You save big on books, magazines and newspapers. These savings will grow even more attractive as the recession deepens.2. The environment.Interest in protecting the environment just keeps growing and growing. The idea of getting a daily newspaper or a weekly or monthly magazine on paper seems incredibly wasteful to the point of decadence. Environmental consciousness will drive e-book acceptance.3.A publishing revolution.The book publishing industry is one of the most backward, mustry, out-of-date businesses in our economy. While every other kind of information moves at the speed of light, the process of publishing a book is like something from the Middle Ages. For authors, it can take months to even find a literary agent willing to represent their work. Then the agent takes months to find a publishers. Then it takes ages for the publishing company to get the book out there.People are already circumventing(设法回避) all this by self-publishing. The self-publishing industry is the only area of paper-book publishing thats thriving right now. Soon enough, a huge number of authors are finally going to get fed up with the publishing industry and just self-publishing electronically. Theyll hire their own freelance editors, and do the marketing themselves. The publication of a finished manuscript will take minutes, rather than months.Old-school thinkers in the publishing industry will lament(悲叹) the slap-dash nature of self-publishing e-books, and sniff that books are on longer published with the quality and care that they used to. (Never mind that book publishers abandoned high standards years ago in previous cost-cutting initiatives.) The world will pass them by as the book industry undergoes the same transition that happened with the media and blogs.First, the media didnt understand blogs. Then they invalidated them. Then they accepted them. And now blogs are where the credibility is. Every columnist and reporter has a blog, and now major TV news programs are built around the opinions of bloggers. A similar transformation will take place about the credibility of self-published and electronic books.4.The rise
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