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amount to相当于,总计为1.达到;共计,合计,等于常用于否定句:例句:The total sales of the company didnt amount to more than a few million dollars.这家公司的总销售额不超过几百万美元。2.实际上是;意味着,意思是;相当于;等于:例句:That practically amounts to a fraud.实际上等于是个骗局。3.取得(任何、很小、很大)成就;办得成事,办成好事;发展成,成长为常用于否定句:例句:Shell never amount to anything.她不会有什么成就。appeal to sb for sth恳求;呼吁;为某事向某人提出呼吁1.Everyone united to support the appeal for charity. 人人联合起来,支持慈善募捐。2.They made a direct appeal to the government for funding. 他们直接恳求政府给予资助。3.They organized appeal for money to help the homeless. 他们组织募捐来帮助无家可归者。apply to sb. for sth1.How to apply for a job on Internet? 怎么在网上求职呢?2.How to apply for a job on the Internet? 怎么在网上求职呢?3.I come here to apply for a manager. 我是来应聘经理职务的。apply sth to sth1.Apply this solution to the infected papules. 把这药水涂到您脸部已感染的丘疹上。2.How to apply for a job on Internet? 怎么在网上求职呢?3.What basic principles do you apply to your life? 你对待生活的基本原则是什么?at no time adv. 决不,从不1.At no time can we give up learning.在任何时候,我们都不能放弃学习。2.At no time should you give up studying.在任何时候你都不“应”放弃读书。3.At no time and under no circumstances will China use nuclear weapons.在任何时间和任何情况下,中国都不会使用核武器。break away (from)脱离;放弃;逃跑 (break away from vt. 放弃;脱离)1.突然离开,突然脱离,强行逃脱,脱身,挣脱,脱落(from):例句:The criminal broke away from his captors.那名罪犯摆脱了抓捕他的人。2.(赛跑、赛马等中)抢跑,偷跑,提前起跑,过早出发(或开始),抢先开始:例句:The horse broke away from the starting gate.那匹马从起跑门抢跑。3.【足球、冰球】突然转守为攻;摆脱4.拆毁,拆去;砍去,弄掉;脱开:例句:He broke away the veneer with a chisel.他用凿子把胶合板拆开。The wing of the plane broke away in mid-air and the plane crashed.那架飞机的机翼在空中脱落,飞机坠毁了。5.破成碎片:例句:The surface is rotten and breaks away when you touch it.这物表面已朽坏,你一碰就碎了。6.(云雾等)消散,消失:例句:The frost was breaking away.凝霜渐渐消散了。7.叛离,背离,脱离(政党、国家、教会等);摆脱;从退出;不再忠于;断绝关系(from):例句:He decided to break away from the Party.他决定脱党。8.突然改变;放弃(习惯、思想方式或信仰等);打破(陈规等);破坏(法律、规章等) (from):例句:to break away from the old conventions破除陈规Cant you break away from old habits?难道你就不能去掉旧习惯吗?break down分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服1.(机器等)发生故障,失灵,失效,出毛病,坏掉,损坏:例句:The car broke down汽车坏了。2.坍塌;崩溃,瓦解:例句:The bridge broke down in last earthquake.那座桥在上次地震中坍塌了。3.中断,中止,停顿,破裂:例句:Talks have broken down over the disputed territory.对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了 。4.(使)感情上失去控制,不能抑制感情,放声痛哭起来,情不自禁地痛哭起来:例句:She broke down and wept at the sad news.她控制不住感情,为此噩耗而哭泣。to break down in tears放声哭5.(在健康或精神等方面)(使)垮掉,垮下来,(健康等)变得衰弱,衰弱下来,(由于过度忧愁或工作而)精神不支,(体力、精神)支持不住:例句:His health has broken down because of working too hard.他因工作过度劳累,身体垮下来了。6.制服,克服;镇压,压倒(对方等);(使)减轻,(使)缓和:例句:Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.有些人觉得羞怯成为交际上的障碍,但这是可以逐渐克服的 。7.分成若干部分;把(化合物等)分解;把(机器等)拆散,拆开(以便贮藏或运输):例句:to break down a beef carcass into basis cuts把牛肉畜体分切成几大块to break down a substance into its components把某种物质分解成各种成分8.把(成本、总数等)分成细目;把(统计资料)分类;分析,对分类;可被分析,可分类:例句:to break down a hotel bill into daily charges把旅馆账单归入日常费用类9.打破,破除;毁掉;拆除,拆毁,摧毁,捣毁;破坏;使无效:例句:I had to break the door down because I lost the key.因我丢了钥匙,不得不把门打破。10.彻底失败,不成功11.证明不可信,驳斥12.使(橡胶)软化;冲淡的浓度13.【电子学】(电路、电子管等)绝缘击穿14.把(原木)切小以便在锯床上锯;把(原木)锯成四角木材15.因事故把(锯床或机器)停下来break in打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯1.强行进入(房屋),非法强行闯入,破门而入:例句:They broke in and made off with all the furniture.他们破门而入,把所有家具都搬走了。2.突然打断(谈话);插嘴;突然大声地讲话:例句:She broke in on our conversation.她突然插话,打断了我们的谈话。She broke in with a ridiculous objection.她突然插嘴提了个可笑的异议。3.训练(新手);使驯服,驯:例句:The manager is breaking in a new assistant.经理正在训练一名新助手。4.美国英语使(新物件)经使用逐渐合用(或合穿):例句:Those shoes havent been broken in.那些鞋还没穿得舒适合脚。5.使(人)渐次习惯,逐渐适应,使(人)习惯于新的常规:例句:New recruits are often broken in by repeated drilling on the square.新兵往往通过操练场的反复操练而逐渐适应。6.着手一项事业;开始新工作;开始活动:例句:He broke in as a football player.他开始当一名足球运动员。7.将开始以使加以彻底检验8.在本文的空隙处加入(插图)9.打破使朝里倒下:例句:The firemen broke the door in with axes.消防队员们用斧头把门劈开。10.美国俚语、戏谑语自首,主动进班房break into闯入;破门而入1.非法强行进入,闯入(建筑物等),侵入,破门而入:例句:The thieves broke into the bank and stole the safe.盗贼非法强行闯入银行偷了保险箱。2.突然发出(或冒出,开适),迸发,突然做出;突然呈现;突然(说、唱、笑、哭等)起来;突然开始讲出(或表演等):例句:Mary broke into song.玛丽突然唱了起来。3.打断(谈话等);打扰:例句:She broke into the conversation at a crucial moment.她在关键时刻打断了谈话。4.侵占,占用(某人的时间),侵犯:例句:Social duties broke into the students time.社会工作占去了这名学生的时间。5.口语(成功地)开始(某种生涯、事业或社会生活等);冲破障碍(或排除阻力)而进入(或参与),打入,克服障碍成为的一部分(或一员);被准许进入:例句:It is difficult to break into the movies.要打入电影界很困难。6.兑散(大面额货币),兑开(大额钞票等)以支付小额货款,兑开(高额票面的纸币或硬币)来买价钱较低的东西:例句:I dont want to break into a $100 note unless I really have to.除非万不得已,我不想兑开一张100美元的钞票。7.英国英语(紧急时)打开并动用(库存、贮备、积蓄、配给品、一部分钱财等):例句:We shall have to break into our savings to buy the house.我们可要动用我们储蓄的钱去买房子。8.突然加快速度而成的步伐9.开始破译出(密码等)10.(把)分成11.开始流出break off折断;突然停止,暂停1.突然住口,突然停止(讲话等),中断,中止:例句:to break off a conversation中止谈话2.断绝(关系),断绝友好关系,断交,绝交;解除(婚约等):例句:to
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