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Unit 1 This is me Task 一、学习目标: 1.学会设计写作提纲。 2.熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组、句型组织语言。 3.合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己。二、学习重难点:1.学习16页上的文章。2.用本单元的知识写一篇个人简历向别人介绍自己三、学习过程自主质疑一、.你知道下列词组的用英语怎么说吗?1.来自 _ 2. 和家人一起住_3.戴眼镜 _ 4. 所有的课程_5.擅长数学 _ 6 . 有些新朋友 _ 二、假如你是Daniel,阅读Part A 部分文章,完成提纲。Name : _Age : _School: _Class and Grade: _I am from : _I live with: _I am : _I like /love: _I am good at : _ 交流展示 1. 相互相对答案,然后再仔细阅读课文,理解文章结构。(连线)1Paragraph One Paragraph TwoParagraph Three Paragraph Four A: Friends . B: Hobbies and likes. C: General information,such as name ,age , birthplace and family. D: Appearance ,such as hair ,height ,and eyes.2. 朗读课文,小组讨论并记下重点内容和好句子。 _交流展示Work in pairs :1. How old are you ? I am _2. What school /class /grade are you in? I am _3. Where are you from ? I am from _4. Where do you live with your family now ? We live in _5. Are you tall/short /cute/. I am _6. What about your hair? My hair is _7. What subject do you like at school? I like _8. Do you wear glasses ? Yes,_ / No, _9. What subject are you good at ? I am good at _10. Do you have friends at school? Yes,_ / No, _迁移运用 一、根据实际情况,完成17页上的提纲。然后,写一篇自我介绍的文章。glasses, is good at , dancing, listen to, go home, new, look after_二、1. Im your _ teacher.2. Daniel wears_.3. I dont know how to _ the e-dog.4. Millie loves _ music.5. Mr Li _ playing computer games.6. Amy enjoys_. She often goes to the Dancing Club.7. School is over.Lets_.四、学习评价 自我评价: A、满意( ) B、比较满意( ) C、不满意( ) 教师评价: A、满意( ) B、比较满意( ) C、不满意( )
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