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外文文献Deng Mingran,Wang Hua1. abstractThe need for the development of modern logistics security role by the characteristics of the logistics industry, the development requirements and in the national economyThe status of the decision.First of all, the difficulty of the process of development of modern logistics, more people vote, and technology-intensive, only government support to make the logistics industry to develop smoothly; Secondly, the functioning of the logistics industry, involving numerous industries and sectors, many of the issues is not logisticscan be solved by the industry itself, coordinated by the Government resolved to strengthen management, ease the contradiction; Finally, the development of modern logistics peoples livelihood, not only affects employment, tax revenue, but also affect the development of all walks of life and the whole national economy is bound to become the governmentfocus of attention.Therefore, the Government introduced various policies to protect the rapid development of modern logistics, both the needs of modern logistics development, the socio-economic coordinated development, which laid the foundation for the guiding role of the governments policy of modern logistics, and providesplay a role in a vast space.At present, Chinas modern logistics development has just started, the logistics market management system and logistics industry development ideas has not straightened out, the logistics management function is still relatively fragmented, involving various aspects of the logistics system management functions, respectively, by the relevant government departments and relatedAssociation bear.2. Government departmentstoprotectthe development of logisticssystem 2.1 Relevant government departmentsto protectthe development of logistics2.1.1 From the relevant government departments for the overall coordination roleNational Development and Reform Commission in relation to the main responsibilities of the logistics aspects of the development of social development strategies, long-term planning, annual plans, industrial policies and price policies to guide and promote the rationalization of the national economic structure and regional economic coordinated development.Commerce Department to develop policies and regulations regulating the market operation and circulation order to deepen the reform of the circulation system, and promote the flow of industrial restructuring and promote chain operation, logistics, e-commerce and other modern methods of distribution development, organization and implementation of important consumer goods market regulation and importantproduction flow of information management.State Quality and Technical Supervision Administration established a national supply chain process management and control Standardization Technical Committee, the Secretariat is located inArticle Numbering Center of standardization of logistics management, coordination and unification of technical standards.2.1.2 Relevant government departments play a supportive roleThe main duties of the Ministry of Information Industry, involving logistics guidance, coordination and organization of information resources development and utilization to guide the popularization and application of electronic and information technology.Ministry of Land and Resources involved in the logistics of land use right transfer, lease, at their appraised value, transfer, trading and government acquisition management approach.Prepared by the Ministry of Construction, urban planning, town planning, construction, urban construction, the principles, policies and regulations of the village building and construction industry.The main duties of the Ministry of Transportation involves logistics to prepare the road, waterway transport sector development strategy, policies and regulations and supervise the implementation and development planning, medium-and long-term plan and supervise the implementation is responsible for the transportation industry statistics and information to guide.The main duties of the Ministry of Railways involved in logistics is responsible for the whole railway sexual passenger and cargo capacity allocation, the organization passenger and cargo transport market research and passenger supply analysis and forecasting, macro-management of the development of rail freight tariffs, and coordinate rail prices of industrial products, is responsible for the national rail transport.The Civil Aviation Administration of China involves the main responsibilities of the logistics industry, the implementation of macro-management, organization and coordination of transportation tasks, and asked the civil aviation industry pricing policies and economic regulation approach.2.2 Relevant associations to protect the development of logistics2.2.1 China Logistics and Purchasing FederationChina Logistics and Procurement Federation, Chinas logistics indust
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