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大学英语专八阅读高频词汇权威总结2.liaison:n. (团体或个体间的)联系3.lieu:n. 代替in lieu of 代替4.ligament:n. 韧带5.lilac:n. 1.紫丁香;2.淡紫色6.limelight:n. 众人留意的焦点to be in the limelight 成为公众注目的中心7.lineage:n. 家系,血统8.liquidate:v. 1.毁灭,杀戮;2.清盘(破产公司)The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.政府试图清肃反叛运动,结果失败了。)9.litigation:n. (非刑事的)诉讼10.livid:a. 1.青灰色的2.极生气的a livid bruise(青淤) 1.habitue:n. 常客 2.hack:v. 1.砍;2.私自存取(计算机化存储系统)例如:He hacked at the branch until it fell off.他朝着树枝砍, 直到砍下来为止。3.hacked:a. 生气的,恼火的4.hackle:n. 脾气,怒气例如:make sbs hackles rise (使某人勃然大怒)5.hackneyed:a. 陈腐的,老生常谈的6.hacksaw:n. 钢锯7.hag:n. 母夜叉8.haggard:a. 憔悴的9.haggle:v. 争辩,讨价还价例如:In many countries you have to haggle before you buy anything.在很多国家里买东西之前都得讨价还价。10.hairdo:n. 发型,发式1.contraception:n. 避孕(法)2.contrive:v. 创造,设计,设法做到He contrived to make matters worse.他弄巧成拙。3.convene:v. 召集Does the UN convene every year?联合国每年都召开大会吗?4.convulse:v. 1. 使振动,使震撼;2. 使抽筋5.corollary:n. 必定结果,推论6.corpulent:a. 肥胖的,臃肿的He was fifty or there abouts and was corpulent and tall in person.他大约50岁,身体肥胖高大。7.coup:n. 妙计,出乎意料的行动8.courtship:n. 求爱,求婚9.covet:v. 垂涎,贪图The other boys coveted his new bat.其他的男孩都想得到他的新球棒。10.cowardice:n. 胆小,怯懦
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